Onto Cloud Kingdom!

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After we had arrived at the bounty, Kai, Jay and Zane were practicing Airjitzu. I had made Nya her cookies and handed her the blue amulet.

She seemed to really like it.

I went to pass Cole's room but paused. I peaked in the room to see the black ninja sitting on his bed, staring at his cup.

I frowned and walked in "Hey."

He flinched and looked over. "Huh? Oh, Asteria. It's just you..." He turned away as I took a seat next to him.

"You're upset about the ghost thing?" I questioned and he frowned. "I don't feel anything anymore. It's who I am now..."

"Hey." I replied and tried to put a hand on his shoulder but it passed through. I pulled my hand away and frowned.

"Master Wu told all of us our paths in life are never a straight line. Take me for instance." I gestured to myself. "I still haven't recovered my memories. After I gained this Dragon ability I'm still confused on who I really am..."

"All I know is, Ninja never quit."

"But I'm a ghost, not a ninja" Cole retorted. "Then what do you do?" I ask tilting my head. "I think that's something you have to answer on your own."

Kai stepped in the doorway "Misako's about to debrief us about the next clue."

I looked and nods "We'll be there in a moment. Thanks Kai."

He departed and Cole turned to me, pulling me in a hug "Thank you, Asteria."

I looked down at him and tried to hug back, but my hand went through his ghostly body. I frowned.


Misako started to go over the next clue. "Now that both Morro and you have Airjitzu, it's time to turn our attention to the second clue, the Sword in the Cloud" Misako spoke to us as she used a projector to show us.

Zane spoke in a pirate voice "Me senses tell me it could be many a swords. Thar be the Fire sword, the Sword of Destiny, the Golden Cutlas" Zane spoke and I looked at Jay.

"I thought you fixed his voice?" I whispered, Jay snorted "I did. And I made it better" he said and I looked over at Zane once more as he spoke. "The Sword of Invisibility, the Sword of invincibility-" Zane said in his pirate voice and I snorted softly, "You're right...it is better" I whispered to Jay as we both silently chuckled.

"The Blade of Ruin" Zane said and Misako chuckled softly "Aye, Zane. And to add to your colorful account, there are many more swords. But it wasn't until Morro and his allies commandeered Nya's Samurai Mech that it all became clear" she said and then clicked a button, a new sword showing up.

"The Sword of Sanctuary, protected in the Cloud Kingdom." I said "That is correct, Asteria." Misako said and Ronin laughed softly "Cloud Kingdom? I know every square inch of Ninjago, there ain't no place called the Cloud Kingdom" he said and I raised an eyebrow, looking at him.

Wu spoke "You're right, it isn't in Ninjago. It's in a parallel realm that can only be reached through the Blind Man's Eye" he said and I looked over.

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