The Proposal

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"How much farther to that distress call?" Nya questioned "We should be approaching it now" Zane replied. I looked down at Nadine and patted her head gently, she smiled up at me.

"I-I don't see it" Cole said "There! That's gotta be it!" Kai pointed to a building that stood out from the clouds. "That's the Ninjago News Center!" Nya gasped and glanced at all of us "I'll bring us over the rooftop. You guys get them out of there before the clouds swallow the entire building."

I nod and looked at Cole "Let's go!" I exclaimed and ran to the lower deck as we lowered two ladders and Cole climbed down to the rooftop as I flew down and landed.

Cole smiled at the small crowd of news workers "Hey folks! Need a lift?"

"Boy are we glad to see you guys! Thanks!" One of them said and all of them started to climb up the ladders.

"Ah...A little quicker folks?" Cole said as black cloud tentacles started to climb up the building.

I helped the folks climb the ladder and shouted up to Nya "Pull us in!"

I started to fly up as Cole climbed one of the ladders.

I was behind a thruster as it then blasted and I was sent back. My eyes widened and I crashed into the other ladder as my left wing got caught in it. "Aah!" I yelled and struggled around but felt my left wing crack.

I winced as I felt it break. I looked down and saw Cole's ladder about to break.

My eyes widened as it suddenly broke.

"COLE!" I shouted and my instincts acted on their own as I pulled myself out of the ladder and fell after Cole. I transformed into my Dragon form as I held Cole to my chest, my wings wrapped around him.

My wings flapped but it didn't help at all, we continued to fall.

"Asteria why did you follow?! Your wing!" He shouted. "Because you're my friend and I'm not leaving you behind!" I shouted and tried to fly but continued to fail.


I looked up and saw Nadine being held by Jay as she was reaching for me. My eyes saddened as I reached my claw out. I gave a reassuring smile as Cole and I entered the black cloud.


My eyes shot open as I gasped and sat up, panting. I was back human. I looked around and saw me and Cole had crashed into the news building.

I looked over at Cole who was awake and he was panicking. I got up and walked to Cole as I grabbed his shoulders "Cole. Listen to me, we're gonna get out of here."

He looked and took a breath "R-Right. But how? We can't exactly fly out, your wing is broken!"

I thought for a moment "Could you call your drill vehicle?"

"My communicator is broken..." He showed it and I gently took it. "I can fix it, let's go before those tentacles get us." I said and we quickly ran into a room and slid the door close.


I fixed the communicator and handed it to Cole "Haha! Alright let's go!" He exclaimed and we ran out the room descending down the stairs to the first floor lobby and approached the doors.

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