The Dragonoid Form

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I was in chains that were made out of vengestone while in my Dragon form, I was near the cage in the air where the others were. I was lying on a cliff. Nya was trying to break out of the cage and I turned my head over to her.

"Nya." I spoke. Her eyes widened and she looked over. I shook my head "It's not worth it..It's vengestone, even I can't break out of these."

Lloyd frowned. Nya sighed "The Munce had faith in me...In us. And now look at them. Right back where they were. In chains."

She sat down "I can't believe we were gullible enough to trust the Skull Sorcerer."

I spoke "We had no choice, if we didn't take the deal the Munce and Geckles would still be back here...We wouldn't be able to win the fight."

Bean Sprout spoke "At least they're still alive. There's still hope."

I heard the Skull Sorcerer's evil chuckle and looked. "That's the spirit. But unfortunately, there is no hope. I have decided a demonstration is needed to show my true power over this mountain."

"What kind of demonstration?" Kai glared. "For too long, the Geckles and Munce have resisted my rule. But when they witness your destruction and how real this Dragon is..."


"When all hope is lost.."


"They will submit."

My brother gulped "What are you gonna do to us? I-In fact, what are you going to do to her?" He looked at me. The Skull Sorcerer spoke "You will perish at the talons of Grief Bringer. And I will take control of your Dragon friend here...Make her realize what she really is."

"Grief Bringer...Dragon."

I groaned "That's getting annoying. I can't tell who to even look at."

Kai laughed "I know, right? Either him, or the skull."

"I'm looking at the skull, it's not as ugly" my brother said, earning some laughs from us. The Skull Sorcerer grumbled and shouted "Silence!"

"Enjoy your final moments of levity. They will be your last." The Skull Sorcerer said and started to fly away. "Aren't you forgetting one thing?" Lloyd asked and the Skull Sorcerer stopped.

"Cole. He's still out there, and if I know Cole, by now he's found King Vangelis and told him everything. They're probably on their way to stop you right now."

The Skull Sorcerer spoke "Oh, that's right. You don't know..."

My eyes slowly widened. "Wait..That's why your aura is so familiar. You're not just the Skull Sorcerer...You're.."

The Skull Sorcerer turned to us and transformed into Vangelis, he smirked and laughed. The others gasped in shock. Vangelis spoke "Your friend did come to me. And I cast him into the bowels of the mountain. He and that old fool, Wu."

"Along with that stupid Hypnobrai child."

Nya and I gasp, she banged onto the cage "What have you done with our daughter?!"

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