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The others were currently helping to train Lloyd and I had gone to the library since I was kicked out of my own house. Walking out of the building I gazed at the book in my hands. I opened one of my new books, I had picked out one that talked about the history of Ninjago.

I felt a hand yank my arm catching me off guard. My assailant wore a blue bandana over half of his face.

"Give me your valuables" he hissed in a low gruff tone pointing his knife at me. Holding my book close I looked him up and down narrowing my eyes at him.

"Let go." I told him with a scowl on my face remaining steadfast. The shank was dull, no sharper than a butter knife.

I deemed him not a threat physically but kept caution as unpredictable people can create bigger problems.

The thief and I had an intense stare down as he brought the knife closer. A rock suddenly was thrown at his head deescalating the situation.

"Hey it's not cool to steal from a lady!" A man wearing a brown gi said approaching us. "It's also not cool to hurt anyone."

"Why don't I steal from you then?" The thief retorted pointing the knife in the other guy's direction.

The man shuttered at the shine of the knife but hid it under a confident facade. "If you're going to make this harder I won't hold back" the brown clothed man replied narrowing his eyes getting into a fighting position.

"Go on ahead, I dare you" the thief mocked the man with a chuckle "Make my day."

Taking the opportunity I pulled my arm from his grasp decking the thief in the face knocking him out instantly.

I felt his face crush against my knuckles making me recoil. I turned to the guy in the brown gi as he looked at me with bewilderment.

"That. Was. Awesome." He said aloud but coughed straightening himself. "Are you alright? This lowlife didn't hurt you at all?" He asked checking me for any injuries.

"I'm good. You stepped in before it could escalate" I replied looking down nudging the thief's side with my shoe.

"You handled yourself very well." He nodded adding "What's your name if you don't mind me asking?"

"Asteria. What about you?" I told him staring at him curiously.

The guy ran a hand through his brown hair confidently. "I am Grand Sensei Dareth of the Mojo Dojo, but please call me Dareth" he replied with a wide smirk holding his hand out for me to shake.

I smiled and shook his hand "Nice to meet you" I told him.

"Believe me, the pleasure is all mine" he replied letting go of my hand. "You must know martial arts since you took out that thief so easily."

I nodded "Yes."

"I swear I recognize you from somewhere..." he thought aloud stroking his chin as he looked at my face.

"Oh! You're the one who fought that giant serpent that attacked the city! You were on the news!" He said instantly recognizing me.

The WandererHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin