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I sat behind Nya while she drove and Kai sat next to her. I looked down at my phone as I stopped at a photo of Nya, Nadine and I.

I smile formed on my facial features. I heard an alarm beep and looked. "Huh? What's that?" Kai pointed out.

"Something ahead" Nya replied. "Some sort of structure." She pointed to the large structure ahead.

"That's it. The Ice Emperor's castle" she frowned.

Kai nods "Yeah, that definitely looks like a spooky castle where an evil ice emperor would live."

"Better tell the others" his sister replied. I turned around to look at Jay, Cole and Krag at the back. "Guys, get in your seats. We're going to be arriving soon."


We sat in our seats as Nya drove the Bounty "We got something on radar. Something big, moving fast."

"What? What is it?" Kai asked. "Well it isn't a welcoming committee" Nya frowned. The fire ninja nods "I'm on it" he left the Bounty outside and up to the cannon.

I looked out the window, seeing the Ice Dragon from before as it breathed ice towards us.

Nya gasped and swerved the Bounty, the ice barely missing us. She continued to drive but the Dragon flew back around, I noticed its ice power reaching the Land Bounty's computers.

Nya gasped "Kai! Do something!"

"I'm trying!" I heard Kai groan from outside.

I heard a few explosions from the cannon outside and Kai screamed. My eyes widened.

I shot up from my seat and ran out the Bounty "Kai!" I ran up the steps and saw Kai standing there.

"It just took the cannon!" The fire ninja exclaimed, I ran over to him as I watched the Dragon throw the taken off cannon.

"Get inside! Come on!" I took his hand and we immediately dashed in the Bounty, the Dragon trying to reach us but was too late.

The Bounty shook as the Dragon grabbed it with its claws.

The others screamed and Jay yelled "Aah! Dragon! Dragon! Dragon!"

It took the top part of the Bounty off and then threw it as the Bounty stumbled once more.

I held on the doorway tightly as Nya was swerving the Bounty all over the place to get away from the Dragon.

"Hang on, everyone!" She yelled.


All of us screamed as the Bounty rolled all over the place, Nya had drove right into the Dragon using a ice ramp.

We landed on the ground, the Dragon trapped beneath the Bounty.

My brother groaned "We should have worn seatbelts..."

I walked over to my wife, seeing how anxious she was. I gently held her hand "Nya, hey. It's okay...You can let go now."

She turned her head to me "The Dragon?"

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