Unresolved Wounds

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I groaned as I walked down the hall with Indie, Scout still asleep in my room.

"Ha! Paper beats rock!" I heard Jay exclaim from the bedroom.

"Ugh, how does paper beat rock?" Lloyd groaned from inside the room.

"Why are you guys so loud?" I groaned as I stopped at the doorway of their bedroom. I was already dressed and ready for the day but had some small dark circles under my eyes.

"What's up with you?" Kai raised an eyebrow at me.

"I stayed up late last night training" I replied stretching my muscles a bit as I looked at what they were doing.

"Good, you can help Lloyd with clean up duty" Cole piped in jokingly nudging the green ninja.

My eyes slightly widened as I turned on my heels "And I'm gone" I uttered waving goodbye as I was already out the door "Sorry Lloyd."


We all gathered at the rooftop where the Ultra Dragon perched itself. Lloyd wore some goggles groaning as the smell from the bag he held permeated with a strong stench. "I always have to do the dirty work" he groaned wafting away the smell.

I was in front of the four headed beast petting their snouts lovingly as the dragon nuzzled me with two of its snouts.

"Hey, having a pet dragon requires a lot of responsibility" Cole reasoned to the green ninja as I listened to them.

"Didn't your mom ever let you have a pet?" Jay asked curiously.

Lloyd looked down in dismay taking off the googles "I don't remember my mother. She abandoned me when I was really young" he replied.

Glancing at the dragons I stepped closer and patted Lloyd on the back.

"She just left?" Kai asked giving him a look of sympathy "Who took care of you?"

"I spent my whole life at Darkley's boarding school, until I ran away and met Asteria. She took care of me after that" Lloyd explained looking up at me and gave me a kind and thankful smile.

The alarm on the Bounty had rung and Nya called over to us as she descended the chain "Hey, I have a mission for you guys."

"It's the museum of history, they asked for you guys" she informed us "Something really strange has happened."

"What is it?" Kai asked Nya prompting her to explain.

"You're gonna have to see it to believe it" she replied as the four headed off.

"Here Nya, hold this" Lloyd told her and handed her the googles and bag before running off smirking and I followed.


Rushing into the museum we all stopped meeting the museum curator as he had been waiting for us.

"Oh thank heavens you're here!" He sighed in relief upon seeing the seven of us arriving.

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