A Last Resort

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We had made it to the police station and were in one of the rooms finding out where a good safe house is. The commissioner opened the door "We can't defend you any longer. Did you find a safe house?"

"Yes we did" I replied and Nya and I turned to him. "Good" the commissioner said and went to the hatch in the floor and opened it. "Listen Asteria, if Nadakhan finds and marries Nya he'll have infinite wishes. Protect her."

I nod "Of course I will."

Nya sighed "I appreciate the macho sentiment but may I remind you I can look after my...-" Nya said but police guys were suddenly thrown around in the hall.

"There isn't any time. Go Ninja, go." The commissioner said and both Nya and I descended from the ladder below as he closed the hatch.


I landed at the lighthouse where Zane's father used to live and set Nya down, we walked inside and up the steps.

I looked around "Huh. Despite being vacant for years there's not a sign of dust" I said as I put my bag on the table and our packed things fell out.

I heard a beep and we both looked as Dr. Julien's robot rolled out and onto the table. "Oh I forgot Zane's father liked his toys" Nya chuckled as the robot put the stuff back in my bag.

"Let's see what kind of supplies we have" she said and I rummaged through the bag. "Enough food for a week, change of clothes, the vial of poison Nadakhan doesn't know we have, and finally one teapot of Traveler's Tea."

"You wanna go over the plan again?" Nya questioned and I nod "Yes. If Nadakhan shows up we shoot him with the poison, then when he can't use his magic I say my last wish. A wish Lloyd told me is said from my heart..." I looked down and continued "A heart that has no clue what it could be but if said incorrectly could likely make everything ten times worse."

"You'll think of it...You always do" Nya looked up at me and smiled. "Let's get settled in, we could use the peace and quiet to think. All we can do now is hope the police can find Nadakhan before he finds us" she suggested and I nod in agreement.


Nya set her spoon down "Okay here's a crazy one. What if you wish to resurrect the Devourer? Then we sic it on Nadakhan."

I shook my head "Can't do that either. Can't wish for harm, more wishes or...-" I paused "...Love."

I saw Nya looked at the stairs that descended below. "Nya?" I asked and she spoke quietly "I don't think we're alone."

I looked and saw someone peaking their head up but they quickly ran down the stairs when we approached.

"Ung. Come on." I urged Nya and the both of us descended down the many stairs as we arrived at the bottom of the steps.

We looked around and Nya tugged my sleeve "Asteria. Look."

I turned and looked at the wall she pointed at as it had a lever. My wings shifted a bit and I walked over pulling the lever and the wall passageway opened.

We walked down the path and came to a small lab of some sort. "Looks like a bunch of stuff from Zane's father's old lab" Nya said and something suddenly fell.

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