The Island

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We arrived at Jay's home as he opened the door and we all walked in. I looked around, I wonder if this was Nadakhan's doing...

"Ahem. Welcome to my humble abode" my brother said and smiled as everyone looked around in awe and we walked to the living room.

"So how did you come across this place again?" Lloyd asked. "I...saved up. Yeah, that's it. I saved up every little bit and now..." Jay said and walked in front of us "Ta-da, here's my secret hideout. Of course it can be our secret hideout."

Lloyd clenched up his hands "First we lost Wu, then Misako. And now Kai. I don't know about you but I'm starting to see a pattern" he explained. "Whenever one of us finds ourselves alone, we disappear" Zane jumped in.

Iris frowned and nuzzled into the crook of my neck. I petted her reassuringly.

"Then we better stick together from here on out. We need to take a look at that lantern, Jay hit the lights" Nya said. "Right, uh..." Jay stuttered and looked around. I did a gesture to him and pointed at the wall where buttons were.

Jay noticed and walked over as he clicked a button but that activated the radio. "Ah-" Jay uttered and started to press multiple buttons. Iris tilted her head with me.

Sliding doors closed the windows and it was now dark "Ah-ha!" Jay exclaimed and we went to the coffee table as Zane held the lantern.

"Wow. So this is supposed to point the way to the only thing that can stop Nadakhan?" Nya asked "Not stop, slow him down. A drop of venom from a Tiger Widow can kill a normal person, but slow a Djinn down before he can disappear on us" I explained.

Lloyd added "If we need to trap him we'll need this venom, so let's figure out a plan" he started to talk with the others and I walked to my brother.

I whispered "You saved up for this place? I ain't buying it. Whenever money comes your way you waste it on junk food and video games. What's really up?" I asked and put my right wing around Jay so the others couldn't see we were talking.

Jay deeply sighed "Fine. I made a wish with Nadakhan."

"You what? Jay what did you exactly wish for?" I inquired and shot my brother a glare.

He continued "I wished to be rich like you and impress Nya but instead I got a letter telling me I've inherited my dad's estate, only it turns out I'm adopted and my birth dad is Cliff Gordon."

I stared in shock "Well...Guess we're both adopted huh."

"So the Tiger Widow is on that island?" I heard Nya ask the others. "An island that doesn't exist according to my database" Zane said.

I looked at my brother "Look, just don't wish for anything else. I don't want you to slip away from me..."

We sat on the couch "So you wished to be rich to impress her?" I asked.

"Yes but, I saw her in my reflection back at the First Spinjitzu Master's tomb. We end up together again, although she's made it painfully clear I never stand a chance" my brother explained.

I put a hand on his shoulder "Jay...I don't think you two will end up together again. Think about what happened last time that happened" I frowned and Jay sighed "You're right..."

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