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I stayed silent while watching the ghost struggle to break free from the cell. "Deepstone bars. You're never getting out of here. Now tell us what's in the Tomb that's so important?" Nya asked.

"What does Morro want?" Wu inquired, wanting answers.

The ghost exclaimed "Ghoultar never talk. Oop, Ghoultar talked. Oh, Ghoultar no talk from now on."

Ronin growled "Oh I'll get him talking."

I lightly shook my head in disappointment. Wu set a hand on Ronin's shoulder "No Ronin, we must find another way to get answers out of him."

Ghoultar laughed at their dismay. Misako entered the room "Let him laugh. The Ninja are already in Cloud Kingdom and we'll ahead of Morro. Let's just hope they can find the Sword of Sanctuary before it's too late."

"We must use our time wisely" Wu spoke "Come Nya, there's still training to be done. As for Ghoultar...Keep an eye on him Ronin, Asteria." He started to leave the room.

I nod "On it." I spoke from under my mask and watched Ghoultar carefully.


I walked back to the room after getting something to eat but saw Ghoultar and Ronin talking. I paused and hid next to the doorway as I listened.

Ghoultar grabbed the deepstone bars as he faced Ronin "Remember deal you made with Soul Archer?"

My eyes slowly widened and I watched the two interact.

"Don't- Shut up you nasty ball of gas!"

"Convincing you were in Samurai cave. Maybe time to make good."

Ronin sighed "I'll make good but not now. I'll keep my end of the bargain just as long as Soul Archer keeps his."

"It will be our little secret..." Ghoultar laughed.


"Still won't talk hm?" Wu asked Ghoultar as he faced away with his arms crossed. "Guess it's time to bring in the big buns."

At that very moment Misako walked in and approached Ghoultar "Puffy Potstickers?" She asked while holding out a plate of the puffy potstickers.

Ghoultar looked and his expression brightened "...Ghoultar not strong enough, Ghoultar want! Ghoultar tell everything."

Kai's voice suddenly rang from the speaker "Come in Bounty! Come in!" My eyes widened and I looked. "Hope your jets aren't cold, cause we're coming in hot!"

"The Ninja" Wu said "Everyone to your stations."

I nod and we all ran out of the room.


We arrived at the bridge and looked at the computer as it showed the four and Morro skiing down the mountain.

"Morro has the Sword of Sanctuary" Misako gasped. Kai spoke from our communicators "We know what Morro wants with the Tomb. He's after a crystal that can unleash the Preeminent to curse the 16 realms."

"Then we must work together to make sure that doesn't happen. Nya, get us into the action" Wu said and we all started to run to the lower deck.

"Why do you all run toward the action? We should be running away!" Ronin exclaimed and I looked. "That's just the ninja way" I spoke and ran to the lower deck as Nya drove us to everyone.

I ran to the anchor as Ronin and Nya were at the lower deck. I jumped on the anchor as it was sent down into the snowy ground and I faced the four "Need a lift?"

"Well it's nice to see you!" Cole laughed and the three of them jumped on. "You guys go! I can catch them" Kai exclaimed and I nod as the anchor took us all back up to the Bounty and we climbed up on it.

I looked down below as I saw Kai fighting Morro. I then lost sight of him but could faintly see his aura.

"Aah, I lost sight of Kai!" Jay exclaimed worriedly. "Follow after them!" Wu shouted to Ronin who drove the ship.

I noticed Kai had taken the sword with the help of Lloyd beating the possession for now...Morro then took back control and started to fight Kai again.

My eyes widened and I jumped off the ship, everyone calling my name as I dove down and my wings spread open as I got to Morro and Kai. I picked up Kai and shouted to Morro "Lloyd, be careful when falling!"

I flew up back to the Bounty as I heard Morro's screams. I could feel an ache in my heart...I wish I could be of some help him. I feel so guilty. I feel like this is all my fault...

I landed on the Bounty and set Kai down. The others cheered while approaching us and Wu spoke "You got the sword, but how?"

"How else? Working together" Kai said and lightly smiled. "Lloyd fought Morro like a true hero."

"If Morro defined destiny, then why not us?" Cole exclaimed.

"He may have gotten Airjitzu first-" Zane started but my brother interrupted. "Ah-ah-ah, you mean Cyclondo."

Zane sighed and a quiet chuckle escaped my lips. "But we got the sword!" Cole exclaimed and a bright smile formed on his lips. I lightly smiled as everyone cheered.

Cole seems more happy. I'm glad.

"Now all we have to do is find the tomb, then it's smooth sailing" Wu smiled.

"But who here knows where the Tomb is?" Ronin exclaimed and everyone groaned. "Oh come on, you all seemed so confident!" Ronin exclaimed and I stood next to him as I patted his back.

"Uhg, you ruin everything!" Nya shouted.


Author's Edit: Oct 14, 2023


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