Failed Rescue

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I was following behind the others in the garden while looking around. Nadine held my hand as we walked.

"Master Wu, Master Wu!"

I looked over as the princess had jumped out of some bushes and she ran over to us. "Princess?" Wu asked.

"Oh thank the mountain" Vania sighed. Nya spoke, noticing Vania's dirty clothes "What happened?"

Vania started to explain. "I went into the dungeons with Cole and we found something terrible!"

I walked over to her "Wait a minute...Dungeons?"

She nods "There's an underground mine full of these little creatures, and they're all chained up and they're being forced to dig by these evil skeletons with whips, and Cole stayed to rescue them and he told me to come back and get help."

"What?" Lloyd asked.

"We have to tell my father to send his guards. Come on!" Vania dashed off and I quickly followed behind everyone else.


King Vangelis sighed "I'm very disappointed Vania. It is forbidden to enter the mountain! The rule of law is there for a reason. It is unsafe below. Not only did you endanger yourself, but you have also endangered our guests."

"I.." Vania frowned "I'm sorry, father."

"I humbly beg your forgiveness, Master Wu" Vangelis spoke "I will send three brigades of my ablest guards at once! They will find your friend."

He flew down to us as he spoke and Kai chimed in "We'll go too."

"I...Cannot allow that" Vangelis said. "The dungeons are treacherous. We have lived here for centuries, and even we do not enter them lightly. There are things that dwell below that..Should not be disturbed."

Nya raised an eyebrow "So the creature Cole saw was real?"

"You told me I imagined it!" Vania looked at her father in disbelief. He turned to his daughter "I said what I had to to protect you, child." He set his hand on Vania's shoulder "One day when you are older, you'll understand."

She looked away. Vangelis retracted his hand from her shoulder and looked at us "Now, time is of the essence" he flew up in the air with the golden wings on his back. "I must dispatch my men. I ask you all to remain calm and stay here."

Kai chimed in, his voice in a sour tone "We can't just stay here. Cole is our friend."

Jay nods "Yeah, we have to help."

"It is out of the question!" Vangelis said. "I will not put anyone else in danger. My men will bring your friend back. Trust in them."

"Yeah-" Kai started but I covered his mouth. "Of course, King Vangelis. We will do as you ask."

Vangelis nodded to me "Thank you. Now please, I have much to attend. As do you, Vania." He looked at his daughter and then flew away. We left the throne room and descended down the steps. The bean sprout approached Master Wu.

"Master Wu, we can't sit this out. Cole's apart of the team..Our friend."

Wu sighed "You're right. But angering the king will solve nothing." He looked over at Vania "Princess..We don't want to get you into any more trouble but..Could you perhaps show us-"

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