Freeing The Ninja

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I sat next to Nya and Nadine while in court, the judge not arriving yet. I heard Skylor whisper to Wu "Maybe the judge will go easy on them."

He whispered back "He's nicknamed Toughbutt."

Dareth looked back at them "I don't think that's a nickname. I think that's his last name."

Kai spoke "Nobody's last name is Toughbutt."

An officer spoke "All rise!" We did as he told. "The honorable Judge William Horace Toughbutt presiding."

The Judge entered and sat in the chair, adjusting the microphone. "Please be seated." He hit the gavel on the desk and we all seated.

"In all my years as a Judge, I have never seen such a callous disregard for public safety as I have in this case. The Ninja put the entire city at risk by freeing the convicted criminal Aspheera, and then helping to arm her with the very weapon she used to attack this city!"

"Do you have anything to say in your defense before I pass judgment?"

Dareth got out of his seat "Um, well, I'm not sure I would put it exactly like that.."

"How would you put it, exactly?" The judge asked. Dareth paused "...Okay yeah, that's what happened." He turned to the crowd. "But what about all the times the Ninja helped this city? Like when they fought Garmadon or Unagami, or the Quiet One?"

The crowd murmured.

"Uh.." He turned to the judge. "We have to take that into account too, don't we?"

The judge spoke "I have. Which is the only reason I'm not sentencing them to life in prison."

"Instead I'm sentencing them to five years in Kryptarium Prison."

The crowd gasped, my eyes widened. I stood and tried to get to my brother but it was crowded.

"Jay! Jay!"



"I have no clue what to do!" Dareth cried out while lying upside down on the couch. "They didn't cover any of this in class!"

"Please Dareth, calm yourself" Wu said. "The Ninja have no one to blame but themselves."

Nya turned to Wu "How can you say that?"

"Nya, I understand why they did what they did. And frankly, part of me is glad." He sighed. "But it does not change the facts. They broke the law and freed Aspheera. She is now loose."

"This is all my fault" Nya said. I stepped "Nya, don't go blaming yourself.." I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. She avoided looking at me and turned away as she walked off.

"Nya-" I started but Skylor put a hand on my shoulder, I looked. "Give her some time..She's pretty upset due to being powerless."

I frowned.


I stood next to the table with Skylor, we were visiting the guys in prison with Dareth. "Okay guys, I know things look grim, but don't worry. The ol' Brown Ninja's got your back!"

"I've been doing tons of research." He smiled.

Lloyd spoke "Great. What's the plan?"

"We have to file for something called a..A.." Dareth looked through the pile of files he had. He took one "Aha!" He put it on the table. "A mistrial!"

The five looked at eachother and Zane turned to Dareth. "We have grounds for a mistrial? What are they?"

Dareth explained "The very grounds that we don't like the judge's verdict!"

The others groaned and I shook my head. Zane spoke "I regret to inform you that is not grounds for a mistrial."

Dareth gasped "Huh? It isn't?"

Skylor spoke "Sorry to pile one the bad news, but something else happened."

I chimed in. "The Skull Sorcerer, Vangelis..Last night someone, or something sprang him out of prison. He disappeared."

Lloyd narrowed his eyes "The Crystal King."

Skylor raised an eyebrow "Who?"

"Some weirdo in a kabuki mask visited Lloyd yesterday, spouting a bunch of villain jabber." Kai replied. Lloyd spoke "He said someone called the Crystal King is assembling our enemies against us."

"To do what exactly...?" I questioned. "That's what we need to find out" bean sprout replied. "Dareth, you gotta get us out of here to investigate this."

A guard approached "Alright, times up Ninja."

He started to lead the others out but Jay embraced me. My eyes widened and I looked down at him, I returned the hug.

"I don't wanna leave you..." He muttered. "Hey, look at me." I said and he did so.

"You're not leaving me. And I'm not leaving you. We will find a way. I promise you that." I said. He smiled and nods "Right." He let go and walked off as he waved bye.


I was in the basement with Pixal currently chatting with her while Nadine sat at the table.

"Pix, Asteria?"

We looked over as Nya approached us. "I was hoping you guys would help me build something" she held a scroll. "Sure" I said and smiled.

"What did you have in mind?" Pixal questioned and Nya spread out the blueprints. "Woah, the old Samurai X plans?" I questioned.

"Yeah, except I made a few modifications."

Pixal looked "Hm, very interesting. This will require 1276 hours to complete."

Nya frowned..

I took out a welding tool "We'll have it ready by morning, babe." I smiled and kissed her cheek. She looked at me and her cheeks flushed red, she smiled "Thank you."


I flew side by side with Nya while in my Dragon form, we both landed behind the bus that held the villians and the guys. Nya tore the door out from behind.

"Is that who I think it is...?" Cole questioned as the Samurai X suit knelt down and the head opened, showing Nya inside.

The five got down and Kai asked "Nya, what are you and Asteria doing here?"

"Breaking you out, if you couldn't tell, hair gel" I said. "Hardy-har-har. Very funny" Kai rolled his eyes.

The head closed on Nya and the others hid behind a rock. I hinted at Dareth, who was playing as an elderly man, that we were good. He closed the van up and got in, driving it over and the five got in.

He drove off. Nya set the van upright so the villians don't escape, I flew off into the sky with her.

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