One Can Remain

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"Sorry I had to confiscate your weapons. Here we try to foster what I call an environment of encouragement" the Warden explained as he deactivated the security system and escorted all of us inside the prison.

I walked with the group as it consisted of only Wu, Garmadon, the five ninja and me. The others had to stay back to prepare and keep a sharp eye on Chen's next moves.

I could feel Iris coil around my neck and I petted her head reassuringly.

"I'll rattle your bones, Warden!" One underworld inmate roared as he hit a cup against the bars.

"Very creative, Frakjaw. Love the puns" the warden smiled walking past. The next cell over housed Captain Soto.

He gasped seeing us again. "Pajama men! And pajama lady!" He exclaimed pointing us out like we were a sore thumb.

The Warden chuckled to himself "Ninja ain't popular around these parts, considering you put most of them behind bars" the warden informed us in a low tone. "Who you're looking for, he hates ninja the most."

He then gestured up ahead to a hard glass cell equipped with a special security panel.

"Last cell on the left" he tells us and lets us head on in.

We found ourselves standing in the cell staring at a dollhouse. The others glanced at each other and Lloyd peaked through one of the windows.

Pythor was drinking tea and talking to his basketball friend "Rodrigo."

"We need your help" Lloyd spoke apprehensively.

The Anacondrai jumped in surprise and shut the blinds as fear turned to anger. "Help you? The ninja?"

"You fed me to the Devourer, defeated every enemy I've aligned with, even forced me to swallow your shrinking pill! You lot have damaged my diminishing ego" Pythor fumed with every fiber of his tiny stature.

Cole turned the doll house around to have the open walled side face us.

Pythor rolled his eyes "I suppose this is about that culturally insensitive noodle baron and his ilk that are now Anacondrai. Imposters, if you ask me"

"You are the last remaining Anacondrai. You must know how to stop them" Jay urged the serpent to spill already.

"I'm not going to say another word until you can figure out how to make me big" he crossed his arms and turned the other way. "And don't ask me to trust a ninja."

"Would you trust a snake?" A voice hissed at the white scaled serpent.

Pythor's eyes widened when he saw the sensei. "Garma-Condrai? Oh, now my interest is piqued. Let's make a deal, shall we?"


Just as Pythor told us about the spell book, we were interrupted by the intercom saying that there has been a breach.

Pythor's red eyes widened, shifting around his room for a place to hide or escape. "You led them to me? What have you done?! There's no escaping an Anacondrai!" He quickly slithered over to the bedroom.

The WandererTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon