Traveller's Tree

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I was helping Cole shovel snow when a hammer landed in the pile. "Huh?" Cole looked. I tilted my head and heard a scream.

We both looked up and my brother was falling off the roof above.

My eyes widened and I screamed, not having enough time to react as both my brother and my skull came in contact with eachother. We both fell on the ground with Jay on me.

Cole put his hands on his hips "Jay do you mind? We're trying to work here."

Nya gasped from the roof "Oh my gosh! Are you both okay?"

Jay groaned as I pushed him off, I sat up and felt my aching head. "Yeah, we're fine" my brother stood and felt his head. He helped me stand "But I'm getting a little tired of all this ice and snow."

Nya jumped down to us, the earth ninja turned to her "Hey Nya, ice is water right? Why can't you just, you know, use your elemental powers and clear away this snow and ice for us?"

"Because I can't command water when it's frozen" she shrugged "It won't move."

Cole turned to me "What about you, Asteria? You posses multiple elements."

I shrugged "Tried already. It just won't move."

The earth ninja groaned "Aw that's a bummer. You guys could have been really useful."

I sent him a glare, along with Nya.

"Wouldn't that be awesome?" He turned to the snow pile he shoveled. "If they could just wave their hands and presto, job done. That would save us hours and hours of slow, boring, back-breaking work."

As Cole continued, Nya made a small snowball and I decided to roll up a large one. My wife threw the snowball and hit Cole "Aah! Hey!"

Jay giggled "Speaking of slow, where's Kai?"

I paused rolling up the snowball when I heard children exclaim. I watched as they ran to Kai who was on a hammock.

"Make the fire! Make the fire!"

Kai looked over "Okay okay, one at a time" he chuckled and summoned his fire as he cooked their fish for them. He blowed his fire out as the children ran off.

"Hey where you going? There's more where that came from" Kai called "Fire-Maker has more miracles."

The kids passed me but one stopped, she looked at her fish and then at me. I smiled and held my hand out, fire summoned on my hand and I cooked it a bit better for her. She smiled and ran off.

"Fire-Maker has more miracles?" Nya asked. Her brother shrugged "Eh, just keeping the kids entertained."

The three walked over as I went back to making the big snowball. A kid walked over to me and wanted to help so I agreed.

I could still hear the others from where the kid and I were. "Oh, no. As long as you're not straining yourself" Nya said to her brother. He sat up, looking at her "Oh no, I feel great. You know, this place is actually growing on me. It's really not so bad."

"Well, that's good. That's what it's all about, isn't it?" Jay said. "You bet. Rest and relaxation" Cole joined in. Kai raised an eyebrow "It is?"

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