Heavy Metal

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"Hm..." I groaned softly and opened my eyes, I sat up and looked down at myself, seeing I was laying on a blanket and another blanket was on me. I noticed the others at a campfire nearby. My dragon features slowly formed and I stood up, setting the blanket aside.

I stretched "Seems like someone grew up" I teased as I looked at Wu, everyone faced me.

"Asteria!" They yelled and embraced me. My eyes widened and I slowly hugged back "What's wrong?"

Jay looked up at me "You don't remember? You turned into this huge Dragon!"

I tilted my head and sighed "Yeah, whatever you say brother..."

"What he says is true, Asteria. I have it in my data, you turned into an actual dragon." Zane said, I stared as my eyes widened. "It was very big too...You grew to eleven feet tall."

"That's...Pretty impressive honestly." I reply.

"We should do our best to keep you away from those hunters...they know we're traveling with a Dragon, they'll try and kill you with every chance they get." Kai said, I frowned "Yeah." I said.

"Also, this one had a dream about his father, the First Spinjitzu Master!" Jay said, gesturing to Wu. "Hm? Really? His memories must be coming back." I said. I heard something shoot and looked, seeing Heavy Metal shooting a sharp wooden missile at us. Cole grabbed Wu and took him back quickly "Aah!" Wu exclaimed, he hid behind us as we pulled out our weapons.

"Who're you? Show yourself!" Cole said, "There is no escape, you are my prisoners now." Heavy Metal said. My wings flapped slightly and I glared. "Is it true?" Heavy Metal asked "Huh? Is what true?" Jay asked.

"What you said. He is the son of the first Spinjitzu Master. And she can turn into a Dragon...Is it true?" Heavy Metal said. I stayed quiet "Don't tell him. Remember what happened when they found out about our powers" Kai whispered to us. "I can hear you." Heavy Metal said and glared.

"Yes, it's true. I am the son of the first Spinjitzu Master. I am Wu." Wu said and I lowered my wings.

"I am able to turn into a Dragon, if that answers your question." I said, Heavy Metal stared and took off his mask and the woven hat, him actually being a girl. "Then the legend is true. You have come back to take the Dragon Armor" Heavy Metal said "Woah...you're Heavy Metal?" Kai asked.

"That is my given Hunter name. My real name is Faith." Heavy Metal said, I smiled at her. "Nice to meet you. I'm Asteria, that's Kai, Jay, Cole and Zane."

"Please, tell me. Do you know where the Dragon Armor is?" Faith asked, Wu stared and then pointed in a random direction "That way." He said. Faith smiled "Then we must go" she said and went to the campfire, putting it out. "Go? Go where?" Zane asked "To the Armor" Wu said and smiled.

"Iron Baron has his hunters looking for you...Especially the girl. The farther we get, the longer we'll live" Faith said and walked off to get something.

"Yeah, we're getting away from the man with the funny hat. That's a good thing!" Jay said "Sure. Cause when has our Master ever led us astray?" Kai said and it was quiet. "Why're you leading us astray? You don't even know where the armor is." Kai said "No...but I have faith." Wu said, I put a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "Oh, faith you say. Hm..." Kai muttered, I hit him with my left wing softly and rolled my eyes.

Faith soon came back, dragging a Destiny's Wing vehicle to us and she let go of the chain. "Uh...how're we gonna fit in that thing?" Cole asked. "We aren't. It will hold our supplies, what it can't carry, we bury" Faith said and put her supplies on the Destiny's Wing, I put my bag on and went to the chain as I picked it up and held it with a strong grip. I started to walk to the direction where Wu thought the Dragon Armor is.

"Woah, Asteria- at least let us help you" Cole said. "Her powers have increased ever since she had transformed...perhaps this is a good thing." Zane said, I looked at them "You guys can help if you want" I said. They came over to me and helped pull the chain that was connected to the Destiny's Wing.


It was nightfall, we were still walking. "Ugh, my feet feel like their gonna fall off..." Cole said "We can't really take a rest at all, we need to keep moving" I told Cole. I heard Wu ask Faith "Why do you wear the mask?"

I looked slightly as I listened. "That was Iron Baron's idea."

"He didn't want the others to know his greatest hunter was a woman...he forbade me to ever take it off." She explained. "So the others don't know?" Wu asked "Iron Baron has a way to control us all. It's either his way, or you are cast out. But when you find the armor, you can control FirstBourne. Then we can all leave this forsaken place" Faith said.

"Wait a minute. I almost forgot, Dragons are the only ones who can ferry between realms. If that is...does that mean..." Jay said as we stopped and everyone looked at me. "I...I don't know. I never tried it before. It's worth a shot, though..." I said.

Wu got down and my wings opened, I closed my eyes and focused...nothing happened though. I opened my eyes and sighed "Nothing...it's possible we need the Dragon Armor for it" I said.

"Hm, yeah..." Cole said, I heard an object thud and looked. Dragon Hunters were driving to us, "Hunters. Quick, put these chains on." Faith said and threw chain at us all "Uh.." Kai said.

I nudged him and wrapped the chain around my body and arms, the others doing the same. The two hunters arrived "Aye! You caught them, Heavy-Metal!" The guy without a mask said, the one with the mask started to mumble at the guy. "Yes, I know he knows that, Muzzle. I was just paying him a compliment" the guy said.

"What do you want?" Faith asked under her mask. "You can't possibly take them all back by yourself. Especially with the Dragon—" the guy said "Then you can leave." Faith said.

The two men went quiet, the one with no under body spoke "Well I can see we are not wanted. We'll just be on our way" he said and walked away with the other guy. I watched the two but then muzzle turned to us, staring at Wu. He mumbled at the other guy and he turned over to us "Why yes, he does look taller. But last time he was in disguise" he said to Muzzle.

Muzzle started to mumble again, I growled slightly. "...Hold it right there! Until we can get all this figured out." The guy said, I noticed chains nearby. I grabbed the chains and yanked them, the two men falling. The others ran over and tied them up, I took my chains off. "Alright, let's get going." I said and we got on the three Destiny's Wings.


Author's Edit: Oct 17, 2023


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