Never Realm

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The Bounty arrived at the Never-Realm but crashed into the snow. I jerked as I held onto my seat.

We flipped around a couple times and harshly crashed, upside down now.

Lloyd groaned "Everyone okay?"

"Great, now I know how my socks feel in the dryer." The earth ninja replied.

"Cole, don't get sick. We literally just arrived." I frowned. We all unbuckled our seatbelts and landed on our feet except Kai and Jay fell. My brother groaned "I'm not liking this Realm so far."

"Me...Uhg. Neither." The fire ninja agreed.

Nya pressed a button on one of the computers and it beeped. She turned to us and shrugged "We're off the map. Coordinates unknown."

"Looks like we made it" Cole sighed. "From what Master Wu said, getting here isn't the hard part. It's getting home." Lloyd said and looked around frantically "The Traveler's Tea?"

Cole looked down and grabbed it. Lloyd nods "Good. Whatever happens, don't-"

The Bounty slightly rumbled and I gasped as I stumbled from the movement.

"What was that?" Jay asked while clinging to Kai. Lloyd looked out the windows and gasped "Oh no."

"What? What is it?" Jay asked and started to approach.

"No, don't!" Lloyd tried to warn but the Bounty rumbled again. "We have the get out of here!" Nya exclaimed. "Now!"

We all quickly exited and I looked behind me, seeing the Bounty fall off and Cole barely made it. My eyes widened "Cole!" I dashed over and held my hand out to the earth ninja.

"Grab my hand!"

He looked up to me and took my hand, I helped pull him up. My brother scoffed "Worst parking spot ever."

Cole walked away as he checked for something "I thought for a sec..." He gasped "Oh no!"

"What?" Jay asked.

"The Traveler's Tea. It...It's gone!"

Jay scoffed "Well that's just great! That's awesome! Now we're stuck on a mountain in the middle of a blizzard with no vehicle, no supplies and no way back!"

The fire ninja groaned "How could you drop it?"


The group looked at me as I glared at both Kai and Jay. "It isn't Cole's fault. We nearly fell off a cliff...Besides, I can travel through realms. We have a way back."

Lloyd sighed "Asteria's right. It isn't Cole's fault for losing it." He turned to the water ninja "Nya, anything on the tracker?"

She pulled out the tracker and looked at it for a moment, she frowned "Nothing. No signal."

My brother exclaimed "Oh, of course not. That would be too easy. That would give us hope!"

The earth ninja frowned "So what do we do?"

"We need to get off this mountain before we all freeze to death" Lloyd replied.

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