Voyage To Sea

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"So that's the fabled dark island huh" Dareth said aloud as we both looked out to the ocean spotting an island shrouded in a dark haze.

"Seems so" I replied as I kneeled down petting Scout and Indie, I frowned a bit. Dareth left my side returning back to his duties of looking after the citizens that were evacuated.

Small huts have been set up on the beach for the time being and it seems the people have been adjusting well despite all that happened.

Looking over to the Destiny's Bounty the others were working on repairs so I headed over with Scout and Indie offering some assistance since I've been on standby with nothing to do.

Looking up on the platform I watched Jay get sprayed by some fuel from a loose pipe.

"Ugh, useless pile of junk!" Jay groaned kicking the thruster in frustration and a small chuckle escaped my lips.

"Oh, it's worse than I feared." Nya sighed listing off the issues "The rotors on the starboard booster are completely destroyed. The port boosters are shot from the strain, she's not getting airborne anytime soon."

I sat on the platform listening to the conversation as Scout and Indie set their front legs on the platform. "So if the stone army attacks again we're sitting ducks" Cole frowned at the news.

"Uh, ducks can fly Cole, weren't you listening?" Jay retorted raising an eyebrow at Cole.

"We're like penguins because we can't fly" I proposed an alternative bird analogy.

"We just got our tails handed to us and we couldn't even stop one of them. Argh I hate feeling helpless" Kai grumbled.

"We mustn't give up hope Kai" Sensei Wu told us as he and Zane approached.

"But the stone army is indestructible you saw it, at best all my powers could do was slow them down" Lloyd told his uncle hopelessly.

"That's not entirely true" Misako butted in "There is a way to defeat them and it is told within the scrolls."

Gathering inside the Bounty Misako unrolled one of her scrolls on the table for all of us to see.

"The prophecy reveals that the power to defeat the stone army lies within the Green Ninja" Misako started to explain.

"I tried already, I gave them everything I had" Lloyd interrupted helplessly.

"Yes but you are stronger than you think" she replied looking at her son and pointed to the scroll again "The true power of the Green Ninja can only unlock when his five protectors find their own pure elemental powers."

"Are we the protectors?" Cole asked with hopeful eyes.

"Pff, silly question of course we are, haha. Right?" Jay added in but looked at Misako for confirmation.

I looked at my dark skinned hands, deep in thought by this.

"If we are the protectors, then we're doomed. Our elemental weapons no longer exist, we cannot tap into our elemental powers without them" Zane said aloud.

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