The Land Bounty

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I was shoveling snow currently. I had to stay back with Kai while Jay and Nya went to look for Cole.

I paused when there was a loud roar and I looked up. There, I saw a Ice Dragon flying towards the village.

I gasped as the other villagers were panicking.

"Everyone get inside!" I shouted as I ran to a kid, gently pushing them forward to try and keep them going.

I ran but saw Kai trying to use his fire to stop the Ice Dragon.

"Kai!" I yelled and dashed to him, tackling the fire ninja out of the way. I stood and got him to stand "Get the people to safety!"

His eyes widened "But what about you?"

"I'll deal with the Dragon." I said and he nodded, running off.

I climbed a roof as my Dragon features grew out of my body. I yelled "Hey! Down here!"

The Ice Dragon saw me and started to fly in my direction while breathing ice. My wings opened as I flew into the sky and transformed to my 18 foot Dragon form.

I tackled the Dragon to the ice lake and roared.

We fought for a while, my skin bleeding from the Dragon's claws in my skin. It kicked me and I went flying, my body destroying some cabins.

I growled, seeing the Dragon fly away. I tried to get up but fell back down.


I turned back human as I limped around the village. My face was scratched up and my side bled.

I spotted the others and I limped over "Guys? What is that?" I pointed to the tall creature.

"Asteria! Uh- This is Krag. But what happened to you?" Cole asked but noticed my side. "Wait...You're bleeding."

He walked to me quickly and had me sit on the snow ground, I let out a groan. "I'm fine...I'll be okay. I have supplies in my satchel."

Cole nodded and started to search in my satchel as I lifted my shirt above my side wound.

"How are we supposed to help now?" Nya asked Kai and Jay. Cole frowned as he tended to my wound, I hissed "The Ice Emperor...It was him." I groaned.

Kai's eyes narrowed "Then maybe it's time we took the fight to him."

Nya raised an eyebrow "What do you have in mind?" She asked. "Lloyd wanted us to distract the Ice Emperor, to give him a chance to sneak in and find Zane. What better way to distract him than to find the Land Bounty, fix it up and drive it through his front door?" Kai replied.

Cole patched up my wound and helped me stand. "You know, when I suggest things like that everyone thinks I'm bonkers" he said and looked at Kai.

"But I like it."

I nod "It might not be the best idea but...It's a good distraction to give Lloyd some time."

Krag roared in agreement and Kai yelped.


I walked with everyone until we stopped, Krag making a low growl.

Cole looked "Krag? What's wrong?" He asked. "I think he smells something" Nya replied. I raised an eyebrow but heard the sound of wolves.

We turned to see many wolves on a hill. My brother groaned "Oh, not these guys again."

Krag growled, going to go after the wolves but Cole held his hand "Krag don't. There's too many."

"What do we do?" Nya asked. "Stay calm. Do exactly what I do" Jay said and I looked at him.

"On three." He said and we got in a fighting stance.




I looked behind me to see Jay running off. I sighed and we followed.

"That was your whole plan?" The fire ninja yelled.

"Where are we even running?!" Nya asked. "There! Look!" Cole pointed and the Land Bounty was seen from afar.

Nya gasped "The Land Bounty."

Krag jumped to the Bounty as we ran. I tripped over my foot and landed on the snow covered ground.

My brother gasped and ran back to me, helping me stand and we ran to the Land Bounty as I leaned against my brother.

We ran in the Bounty and Kai pressed the button to close the door but nothing happened. Krag tried to close the door but struggled.

I looked over to Nya to see her grab the fire extinguisher and throw it in the air "Zap it!"

I pointed my hand out and shot lighting to the fire extinguisher making it explode. The wolves slide to a stop and ran off.

We sighed and I took a seat. "That won't scare them off for long" Kai said. "Then we better get this tub of bolts working again" Nya replied.


I sat in a seat, helping Nya and Kai start up the Bounty.

"Okay, try it again" she said and I nod, pulling a lever and the engine sputtered. I groaned "Nope. Not working."

"Hm..." She hummed and went back to working on it. "Okay I think I got it now. Try it again."

I pulled the lever and sparks went off. "Ah!"

I sighed "Nothing."

Nya raised an eyebrow "Really? Okay I'm going to reverse it. Negative to positive, positive to negative, and let's get this out of here."

She threw an object back. "Don't we need that?" Kai ask.

"You sure you should be ripping things out like that?" I ask my wife. She bonked me on the head with the wrench "Ow-"

"If you think you can do better, you're welcome to give it a try" she glared. I raised my hands in defense "No, nope. You're the master here" I smiled.


"And get rid of this. I don't even know what that does."

"Oh, those probably just the brakes. Who needs those?"

I raised an eyebrow at the two siblings. "Try it now" Nya said. Kai pulled a lever and the engine sputtered once more.

The two groaned and I walked closer "Hm..."

I gently hit it with my hand and it started up. My eyes brightened "Hey look at that."

"Yes! Nice going Asteria!" Nya smiled and we all got in our seats as Jay, Cole and Krag got in.

"Hold on, everyone" Nya instructed. "We're getting out of here!"

I held onto my seat as Nya pushed her foot on the gas, driving away from the wolves.

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