Final Keytana

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We entered Terra Domina and I looked around. "Woah! Unagami's Temple of Madness" Jay exclaimed and I looked at the three "Let's head in."

We all headed in as the doors closed behind us and I looked at what we were dealing with. "Okay that's freaky.." Jay shuddered and Lloyd spoke "We should head back. Scope the dangers and come back with a plan."

I felt a sudden glitch and looked around. "Uh, did you guys feel that?" Lloyd asked and Jay looked over "No?"

"I did" I said and looked around cautiously. The platform beneath our feet disappeared and a red block platform was there. It started to disappear on us. "Aah!" Nya exclaimed and we all started to jump to different blocks to avoid falling.

"W-What's happening? Where's that music coming from?!" Lloyd shouted and I sighed "Oh I was afraid of this..."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Nya asked and Jay explained "We've entered a world of old-school platform games."

We continued to jump from block to block as Nya asked "And those games force you to run towards chaos?"

"Technically side scroll but yes...And I can't use my powers to help us across, not even flying. He must've took it away for this to be harder" I spoke. "There's also rules to these games."

"One, you can't go backwards." I said as I jumped on a block and looked up at Nya who was still on a block. "Two, everything speeds up the further you go."

Her eyes widened and she ran and jumped off the block, I caught her by her hands and helped her up.

Jay spoke "Three, all the obstacles are pre-programmed. So if you learn the timing you can evade the danger" he jumped over the small obstacle and we did the same. "The most important thing though is if you die, we have to start at the beginning" I said.

"Wait, what do you mean we start-" Nya started but was hit by an obstacle.

We were teleported back to the beginning. "Okay I see what you mean" Nya frowned. Bean sprout groaned "We have to do all that over again?"

I looked over "We need to be more careful and time it right."

The three of them nod and we did the level again.


We had to retry a couple rounds and do an infinite maze but we finally made it to the end. I had two lives, the other three had one. "Huh. Guess it wasn't so infinite after all" Lloyd said. Nya spoke "Then they should call the super long and incredibly annoying but eventually there's an end to it maze."

I chuckled lightly "Come on, let's head in." I walked to the Temple and opened the doors as we walked in. I looked around as I stopped walking, it was a sort of arena. Fast music started to play and Nya groaned "The music again? How could it get harder?"

"This must be the final boss battle" Jay said and four of our profiles popped up in front of us suddenly.

"Choose your champion" a voice spoke and I growled "Now it's an old school fighting game? Seriously?"

Nya raised an eyebrow "What does he mean choose your champion?"

I explained "One of us has to fight the boss." The three of them looked at me and Lloyd spoke "I'll take this one."

Nya frowned "Lloyd.." I approached him and set a hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure, bean sprout? You have one life left.." I informed him, he was hesitant but nods. I sighed "Just be careful and do not get distracted."

Lloyd nods and clicked on his profile as he entered the arena. The automated voice spoke "The champion has been chosen. Unagami will now choose your opponent."

"Fighter two will be.."

It chose Harumi and my eyes widened.

Lloyd stuttered "Ha...Harumi?" He asked. She smiled "It's good to see you again Lloyd." He raised an eyebrow "How?"

"Lloyd! Don't believe her! She's apart of the game! That's not really her!" I shouted and hit the force field in the way as the three of us were trying to shout to Lloyd but he was unable to hear us.

I saw Harumi take the first hit as Lloyd got hurt. "I..I can't fight her!" He told us. "It's a simulation! That's not the real Harumi!" I shouted to Lloyd.

We could only watch Lloyd and Harumi fight since the force field was blocking us. I banged my hand on the force field as Lloyd was blocking Harumi's sword with his. "Lloyd! Listen to me!" I roared.

He looked to me. "That isn't her! It's the computer getting into your head!"

He looked at the fake Harumi and stepped back "Where did we go the night we first met?" He asked. She stuttered "Uhm...Watched the sunset? Play music?"

Lloyd shook his head "We visited the canals in Ninjago City to give to the poor. You're not Harumi!"

The three of us watched the fight as Lloyd and Harumi took their final hits. Harumi disappeared as she was finished but Lloyd..

He got cubed.

"No!" The three of us shouted as the force field went away and we ran to Lloyd.

"Bean sprout! No, no, no, no!" I shouted as I knelt down and put my hands on the orange cube. I frowned as an energy drone came and took the cube that contained Lloyd. Nya and Jay came by my side. I took a breath and stood up.

"We need to stay strong" I spoke as the both of them stood up, facing me. I took the Keytana "We need to get our friends back and stop Unagami."

Jay nods "Then let's do it."

"As long as I have you guys with...I'm glad" I smiled and we left out the door.

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