The Attack

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I was leaning against the small bookcase next to the window in a room in the dojo. I frowned, some stuff on my mind.

I haven't felt like myself lately...I feel different. As if, I don't really identify as anything or anyone. Not only that, but I'm concerned about my family.

Did something happen..?

I heard Jay scream and looked.

"What happened?! Did someone get hurt?!" I yelled, Zane and Cole looked at me. "Huh? Oh, accidentally destroyed Jay's stuff animal that he still sleeps with" Cole said "H-Hey! I do not!" Jay said as he held his stuff animal, mr. Cuddlywump.

I walked over and inspected Cuddlywump, I gently took him. "Hm...I could fix him. He just needs a couple sewing and he should be good as new" I told Jay, "R-Really?! I...I mean. Pff, you don't need to..its not like I'm gonna keep it.." Jay said.

I chuckled softly, Zane spoke "Switching to playful mode!" He said and I turned to him as he started to spin in circles. The timeblade went flying off his hand and hit the bookcase near Nya, She looked as her eyes widened. "Hey! I'm working here!" She said.

"Sorry, Nya-" Zane said and went to the timeblade, grabbing it and he walked over back to us. "What's with Nya? She's been on her computer since we got back from the desert" Cole said "Her attempt to locate her stolen Samurai X suit is consuming her" Zane said.

"She's as bad as her brother...he's been reading Ninjago history books all day" Cole said. I stretched slightly as my wings opened. The three gasped and I looked.

"What?" I questioned and Jay pointed to my wings. They were a prussian blue with yellow spikes and black diamond designs. "Woah, awesome!" Cole said, Jay spoke "What happened to your wings?" He asked. "I..I'm not entirely sure." I said.

"Hm...perhaps it shed. Dragons shed their skin for better flight, fighting, protection, and healing." Zane explained " that's awesome." I said and my eyes shined excitedly from the new info. "Well, I'm gonna go start sewing this." I said and left the room to sew up Jay's stuff animal.

I got to my bedroom and sat in my chair, starting to sew it. Some minutes went by and I finished sewing it, I sighed and stood up. Iris slithered out from my jacket and nuzzled my cheek. I chuckled and petted her on the head.

I heard a sudden crash "Huh?" I asked, Scout barked as him and Indie ran off. I put Jay's stuff animal in a box and ran out the room. I ran outside of the dojo, seeing the others and my pets, I ran to them and looked over the edge of the flying island.

I saw a ton of snake warriors down below..but how did they get the huge egg all the way up here?

Zane spoke, "I've run a fourth level analysis. It appears the snake warriors have returned to retrieve the blade" Jay looked over, "Really? I could've told you that with a third level analysis. Or maybe a no level analysis!" He said and I sweat slightly.

"But...they're all the way down there. There's no way they can get up here" Cole said, I spoke up "I wouldn't be so sure about that..." I said.

"Huh? Why?" Kai asked and I pointed down. They had catapults and launched one of the snake eggs up in the sky, "Aah, look out!" Jay yelled and we all quickly jumped out of the way, the egg landing on the island.

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