Serpentine Child

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I walked to Zane and Cole as they were talking next to a dumpster. I had cut some holes in my jeans and had my black bra on with my gray jacket. I made sure to keep my Dragon features gone so nobody would recognize me.

The two turned to me "Woah Asteria...You look amazing" Cole said and Zane smiled.

"Thanks. We're thinking of alias's right?" I questioned and Zane nods "Yes. Cole is Rocky Dangerbuff, I am Snake Jaguar and you...?"

I smirked "Death Grip."

"Woah awesome...Now let's go in" Cole said and the three of us walked inside.

We walked to the bar and I saw Dareth. "Dareth?" Zane asked and Dareth turned to us noticing Cole.

"Cole? Cole! You came to visit me!" He exclaimed and Cole burrowed his brows "Aw! Is my disguise so much worse than Zane and Asteria's?"

"Zane? Asteria? You guys gotta help me. I bought this stink hole hoping to hold onto the glory days when I was fighting side by side with you guys" Dareth said and I raised an eyebrow.

He continued "Only now the Sons of Garmadon have moved in and made my place their dive. I can't get them to leave! You gotta help me!"

"We'll figure something out Dareth...Just give us time okay? But we need to stay undercover so we can get close to those two" I gestured to the lady and man up on the second floor.

"You mean Mr. E and Ultra Violet?" Dareth questioned. "Mr. E?" Zane and Cole exclaimed.

"Nobody talks to those two because he doesn't talk and she's off her rocker" Dareth shuddered. "If we can't talk to them how are we supposed to gain their trust?" Cole muttered.

One member of the Sons of Garmadon slammed his fist on the table "I said: Where's my boba?!"

Dareth handed us drinks "Sorry can't help. Gotta go" he apologized and left us.

"Okay Snake Jaguar, fire up those processors and tell me how we do this" Cole said as he drank his boba. I didn't drink mine...I'd rather have tea.

Curse you Wu.

"I've already ran countless simulations and out of the 1,542 ways this could go, there's only one. But it's complicated...And dangerous" Zane warned Cole and I raised an eyebrow.

"Then it's a good thing my last name is Dangerbuff. Lay it on me." Cole said as he drank his boba.

"...You have to sing." Zane replied and Cole spit out his drink "I can't sing! What did I say earlier?! There has to be another way."

I put a hand on Cole's shoulder "I'll come with you. Let's go" I said and we both walked to the small stage.

Cole fixed the mic as I took a cowbell.

The room fell silent.

Cole spoke into the mic "I'm Rocky Dangerbuff, this here is Death Grip and here's something mean to sing" he took out a coin and threw it at Zane's direction as it fell on the ground.

"Song 159, pronto!" Cole called as Zane put the coin in but a children's song started to play. I looked at Zane and raised an eyebrow.

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