Public Enemy

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"What are we doing all the way in Jumanakai village? The genie was never out here" Kai said "You mean Djiin. Since our dragons attract too much attention, we'll need a more discrete mode of transportation" Nya explained as she went to a wall and touched it.

I watched as I held my silver suitcase.

A button going off and the wall opened, showing two motorcycle vehicles. "Woah, awesome" I said and Kai gasped "I love my little sister!" Kai said and laughed softly as he got on a motorcycle and Nya got on the second.

I pressed a button on my suitcase and it unfolded, revealing my gray motorcycle. I got on as I put my helmet on and flipped the visor.

"Hey, it's Zane's sos beacon. There's trouble!" Nya said "What are we waiting for? Lead the way, sis!" Kai said and the three of us drove off, both Kai and I following.

We soon drove inside a canyon "I don't get it...why're they out here? I thought they were going to the library of Domu" I said. "Not sure...wait, there he is! But, where's Lloyd?" Kai asked and I looked ahead.

"Kai, that's not Zane! That's Ronin!" I said, Nya spoke "Go around him!" She said and the three of us went around Ronin to avoid running him over.

We continued to drive "Quick, this way!" Nya said and we swerved sideways, driving through a narrow path. I looked behind me and saw Ronin's rocket send a missile at us. My eyes widened and I swerved my motorcycle, going through a narrow pathway.

My eyes narrowed, knowing Kai and Nya will be caught without my help. But I got an idea.

"I'll be back for you guys." I thought and continued to drive.


I had successfully snuck into the prison in a guard outfit with Iris tucked in the jacket I wore. I saw the others walking to a table in their inmate outfits. They approached some other inmates "Hi guys, care for some ninja company?" Lloyd asked while holding his tray of food. The inmates complained and left the table.

"Guess they can't all be fans" Zane stated as he and the others sat down. "We may be out of the action, but that doesn't mean we can't take action. So what do we know about this Djiin?" Lloyd asked and Captain Soto walked over "Did someone say Djiin?"

"You best not be speaking about Nadakhan the Djiin." Soto said and I silently listened. "His name is Nadakhan the Djiin?" Kai asked "Hey it's Captain Soto, the first captain of the Destiny's Bounty" Jay said as his eyes brightened.

"And it's Jay, the whiny sniveling blue pajama man who says everything obvious" Soto said and this made me crack a smile. "But who be you? Are you a...another pajama woman?"

"I guess you can say that" Nya said and smiled. Soto put a hand on his chin "No, you...You look very familiar for some reason."

"Let's cut the small talk. You know him?" Lloyd asked Soto and the captain nods. "I was the one that caught him." Soto explained "So you were the one who trapped him in the teapot? But how?" Kai asked.

"Catching a Djiin is harder than steering a galleon upstream in a storm with a leaky hull. But let me try to articulate me words so that you can visualize it" Soto continued.

"Long ago, me crew were aboard the Destiny's Bounty, the finest ship ever built. Save one other. Nadakhan the Djiin was the most feared pirate of the high seas. Since he was from another realm, his powers were unmatched. He and his crew were always a step ahead."

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