Kai And Nya

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A soft smile formed on my lips, seeing my daughter play with Bailey. "I'm glad you like him already, Nadine" I say and she looked over, a bright smile on her face.

"I love him. He's so sweet" she replied. I heard Riyu screeching from outside and raised an eyebrow. Nadine looked "What's got him freaking out?" She asks. "I don't know..." I stood and we walked outside to Lloyd, Sora and Arin. Lloyd used his Spinjitzu to get on the roof, Arin used his grapple and Sora used a ladder. I flew up to the roof and Nadine used the ladder.

Arin gasped "No way!"

"What am I looking at here?" Sora inquired. In the sky, there was the Bounty flying towards us. "That's the old Bounty!" Lloyd exclaimed "Kai took that ship to search for the other ninja. This must mean his mission was a success!"

My eyes widened as I noticed how damaged it was "Look out!" I grabbed Nadine, jumping to the ground and the other three jump out the way, the Bounty crashing into the wall and it started to fall down the mountain. I made sure she was okay and glanced at the three as Sora spoke "I'm thinking Kai's mission was not a success."

"We need to get down there." I said and stood. I dashed to the edge of the mountain and leaped off, diving down to the falling Bounty. I landed on the Bounty and Lloyd, Arin and Riyu jumped on the Bounty. I shouted "Kai! Where are you?"

Lloyd's eyes widened "What did Kai get himself into?"

"Hey guys, heads up!" Sora exclaimed and I looked up, seeing her and Nadine on a motorcycle she crafted. "You might wanna duck!"

The motorcycle landed on the Bounty's deck and they got out, Sora spoke "Just a thought, we should probably steer away from those mountains."

I stumbled as a thruster exploded and Lloyd tried steering. "The steering is jammed!"

Sora opened a hatch and jumped down "The steering column isn't attached to the rudder anymore!" She exclaimed. "...That's not good" I said. "Riyu, my tools!" Sora said and Riyu hit them down with his tail. "Ow! Thanks..."

Nadine giggled at the interaction, I looked at the distance, seeing a mountain we were about to hit. "Sora, anytime now!" Lloyd yelled. She yelled back "Try that."

He tried to spin the wheel but it didn't work "Try what?"

Sora groaned "Now!"

He turned the wheel and I held onto the railing as Lloyd steered the ship to the ground "Gently, gently. This is how you do it" he said proudly. It then malfunctioned and we crashed to the ground. My eyes widened as I was sent off the Bounty "Woah!"

I crashed right into the ground and Nadine gasped "Mom! Are you okay?"

I sat up and felt my face "Yep...Just fine."


As we entered the Bounty, it was completely destroyed, scrolls scattered all over the place. "There's gotta be some clues about where the Bounty came from" Lloyd said. He looked down and his eyes widened "Scorch marks? Did Kai attack his own ship? Doesn't make sense."

I perked slightly as I could smell something, Riyu along with me as the two of us walked off with the four following. "I doubt he made this massive blast hole" Arin said. "Something huge hit this."

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