Trust Too Easily

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"Where did you lead us?" I asked the small boy as I stood outside a structure of a fang amongst some rocks.

He had insisted on taking me somewhere but refused to show me that map of his. I had taken Scout with and he growled at the sculpture.

"This is where we'll get more power" Lloyd replied gesturing to the sealed door giving me a sweet evil laugh.

I wasn't sure why but when I looked at the door I couldn't help but get the feeling that this child was about to stick his hand somewhere that he will get bit.

The boy started walking up to the door in an attempt to open it.

"Lloyd wait" I stopped him as I grew wary of the atmosphere. "We shouldn't be sticking our heads into crypts like this. We have no idea what we could be getting ourselves into."

"It's okay Asteria" the young boy reassured explaining "They're the Anacondrai, a race of Serpentine that is the most powerful of all the tribes."

"That's a great reason NOT to open that" I argued not knowing much about the race of lifeforms.

"Relax, it's okay. Once we set them free they'll follow our orders because we'll be seen as their saviors" Lloyd explained trying to ease me "Then we will get revenge on the ninja for being so mean!"

Before I could stop the child he already pushed open the set of wooden doors. They practically flew open from his touch and light poured into the old crypt.

I gasped seeing the amount of bones on the floor. My mind putting together to whom those belonged to. Scout whined.

"It's okay Asteria, I'll protect you and Scout" Lloyd smiled taking my hand leading the way with his little flashpoint.

"I'm worried, not afraid" I thought eyes glazing over the vast amount of bones. It almost seemed disrespectful to step over them.

As the young boy dragged me deeper into the crypt I was on the defense. I heard a snarl from Scout and a yelp.

I looked over my shoulder to see Scout biting into an Anacondrai's neck. I gasped "Scout! No, no, no! No biting!"

I managed to get Scout off and we stayed away from the Anacondrai who stood up.

He felt his aching neck "My deepest apologies for scaring your dog madame" it apologized but I glared. Lloyd walked over "What happened here?" He asked gesturing to all the remains.

"Poor, unfortunate souls" the Anacondrai sighed "All those years, locked away with nothing to eat. Must have slowly starved away until they were just scales and bones."

"And who might you three be?" He asked eyeing us with his violet gaze.

"I'm Lloyd Garmadon. Son of Lord Garmadon and future dark ruler" Lloyd introduced himself and grabbed my hand "This is Asteria and her dog Scout, they're my partners in crime."

The serpent chuckled in amusement "How deliciously evil" he replied humoring the boy "If I had feet, ooh, I'd be trembling in my boots."

Lloyd tilted his head asking "And uh, who are you?"

"Humbly, I am Pythor P. Chumsworth" the Anacondrai introduced himself and bowed showing some manners. "And since you freed me, I am eternally in your service."

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