Sibling Bond

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Working on the Prototype X-1 I laid on my back on a rolling creeper. Underneath the vehicle I adjusted the final parts and set them in place. With a wrench in hand I tightened some bolts as I listened to music with some earbuds.

"Should be tight enough.." I muttered to myself as I hummed along to the music. I was too focused on my work and the melodies playing in my ears I didn't hear the elevator open.

Out of nowhere I felt something touch my leg. I instinctively jumped and dropped the wrench in my hand. My head jumped up and hit the bottom of the car with a hard metallic thump.

Laying back down on the rolling mat I winced and held my head in pain. A series of grumbles left my lips as I grabbed my fallen wrench, the tool only slightly missed my face when I dropped it.

Holding my head with one hand and the wrench in the other, I rolled out from under the car to greet Kai.

He looked down at the red marks on my face, his expression turned to guilt. He winced at the harsh thump from where he stood.

"Are you trying to kill me?" I glared up at him as I pulled out my earbuds. He winced at my tone when I really meant it as a sarcastic joke.

"Sorry" Kai smiled awkwardly as he held out a hand to help me up.

"It's fine" I shrugged and dropped the wrench in my tool box. Clapping my work gloves together I stretched my back slightly.

"The Prototype X-1 is almost done and then you can start your patrols for Nindroid activity" I informed Kai as I took a step back to look at the bright red vehicle.

Not my first choice for the paint job as it will easily draw attention to whoever's riding in it. However Pixal insisted as it will be easier to identify the others if their vehicles are their respective colors.

Kai smiled at the sight and tilted his head at me curiously. "Need any help?" He asked eagerly and held out his hand "I can provide some extra fire power."

Fire erupted from his palm like a flamethrower. He smirked at me in an effort to show off.

"Lloyd did split up his golden power after all?" I thought. "So you finally use your powers at will? Congrats." I said with a small smile as I leaned up against the bright red car.

"Yeah and I've never felt so strong before" Kai smirked as the flame faded away and he leaned forward playfully "I bet I can even beat you in a fight."

"Another time" I hummed and poked his forehead to push him away. "I don't need any help though, thanks" I told him as I turned away and popped open the hood.

Under the hood, it held some secret weapon attachments for Kai to utilize. I propped the hood on a thin rod and took in a breath. I softly breathed fire on the metal that needed welding.

"Woah..." Kai muttered as he watched in amazement. I closed my mouth as the pieces welded together. I turned to Kai and smiled "See?"

"That's so cool..." Kai said and I chuckled "'s not that amazing."

"What? Of course it is, you can breathe fire! No one is able to do that!" Kai exclaimed and I sighed.

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