Lazying Around

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A few months have gone by ever since the Oni attacked, my wing has fully healed now.

I was asleep in bed as I shifted around, my eyes twitching. My teeth clenched from the dream I was having. Sweat went down my forehead and my eyes burst open and I gasped, sitting up from my bed.

"Asteria?" I heard Indie ask and I looked. I sighed "Sorry Indie. Just a nightmare..." I got out of bed and stretched as I changed into casual clothes. A black shirt, my gray bomber jacket and some jeans. I looked at Scout's empty bed and frowned...He died a few weeks after the attack of the Oni. I'll miss him.

I departed out the room and walked down the hall to Nadine's room.

The others and I finally got to give Nadine her own room at the Monastery.

I slowly opened her door and spoke softly "Nadine? You up?"

I peaked in to see her still asleep. I walked over and knelt down next to the bed as I gently shook my daughter awake. "Hey. Wake up, hun. Why don't we get breakfast together?"

She sat up and yawned. She smiled "Okay" she replied and reached her hands up to me. I chuckled and picked her up in my arms. I departed to the kitchen as I set her down on one of the stools while I decided to make her some pancakes.

I scratched at my neck slightly. When I used the power of creation a few months back, yellow scars appeared across my left eye and around my neck.


I sat at the table with Nadine while the two of us ate. I sensed a bright golden aura and I looked, seeing Sensei Wu step in the kitchen. I waved "Morning, Sensei. You hungry?"

He sighed "I could eat something right now, yes."

As he took a plate of food and sat with Nadine and I, I noticed his expression. I noticed Nadine was done eating so I took her empty plate and mine as she went off to play.

I walked to the sink. I decided to speak while cleaning all the dishes "Sensei, may I ask what is bothering you this morning?"

He was quiet for a moment and sighed "It's the other ninja. They have become lazy and will not listen to my orders."

My face softened as I frowned "Oh...I'm sorry about that. Want me to do anything to help you?"

He thought about it for a moment and smirked "Want to set up small pranks for them to fall into?"

My interest was piqued and I smirked "I'm listening..."


I was outside with Wu helping him clean with Nadine and I gently played sword fighting with her. We used our brooms of course, I wouldn't want her holding a blade. I heard the sliding doors opened and the six walked outside.

We paused as the two of us watched the ninja approach Wu.

"Master Wu. Is there anything we can do as a group, that would prove to you that we have not gone soft?" Lloyd questioned. "So you and Asteria can stop booby trapping stuff?" Jay exclaimed and I glanced at Wu.

"There is one thing" Wu said and nods at me, I nodded and grabbed his staff as I handed it to him. I stepped to the side with Nadine as we watched.

"Prove me wrong by defeating me in combat" Wu told the six as he held his staff. "Combat?" Lloyd inquired.

Nya added "But I thought you said fighting never proves anything."

Wu chuckled "Except in this case. It will prove you can still fight." Lloyd stepped up "We can't fight you, you're our Master."

Cole added "And no offense but, you're kind of old.."

I smirked as I watched, taking a cup of tea that I poured and sat criss cross in the air while my tail helped me stay balanced. Nadine looked up at me and sat down with her legs crossed too, trying to copy what I was doing. I chuckled softly.

"Ah, is that why? You sure you aren't...Afraid?" Wu raised an eyebrow and the others gently laughed at his assumption.

"Then prove it. Attack me!" Wu exclaimed and jumped at them.

I watched while drinking my tea.


I set my finished tea down as I walked over to everyone. "Hm..." I hummed as I glanced down at them all.

"I haven't been training as Wu's student as long as you guys and you all are having trouble and being lazy." I commented and sighed as I glanced at Nya "And you."

She gave me a sheepish smile. I shot her a glare "I'm not letting you cuddle me unless you fix this." I walked back inside and slammed the slide doors as Nadine followed me.


Author's Edit: Oct 17, 2023


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