Princess Vania

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"It is with great honor, King Vangelis, that I present the famed Ninja of Ninjago" Hailmar said as we were led into the throne room.

"Welcome, welcome!" King Vangelis smiled as he stood from his throne. "I am most pleased that you were able to accept our invitation. It is an honor."

"The honor is ours" Wu said and we all bowed. "Shintaro is beyond anything we imagined" Wu spoke and we stood up straight.

King Vangelis smiled "I am only a mere figurehead. The citizens of our proud city are the heart of Shintaro." I then heard a voice saying "Oh, they're here!"

I looked, seeing a girl with blonde hair as she landed on the ground. Vangelis smiled "And please meet my heart, her Royal Princess Vania."

Vania approached us, excitement filled all over her expression "I am such a fan! I read all about your adventures. It was my idea to invite you to my birthday." She looked at Cole and they shared a smile. I noticed Lloyd had a suspicious expression on...I raised an eyebrow.

"I should ask about that later..." I thought.

"It's an honor to be here princess" Cole smiled. "So, is it true you've been to Hiroshi's Labyrinth?" Vania asked. Zane replied "Affirmative."

"Competed in the Tournaments of Elements?" Vania smiled and Kai chuckled "Oh do we have stories for you."

"I need to hear them all" Vania said and I lightly smiled at her excitement. "Where shall we begin?" Cole asked and Hailmar and Vangelis came to us "You can begin by following me."

I followed behind everyone as Nadine looked around, curious about the new place. She held my hand tightly and I frowned. I could see she was a bit anxious.


It was nightfall, we had separate rooms for the night except Nya, Nadine and I shared a room. I was talking with Lloyd as the other two were asleep.

"So that's why you don't trust her..." I said. "Because she's a princess?"

"I- No of course not! I..." He tried to make an excuse but sighed. "Okay yes.." He admitted. I frowned and but a hand on his shoulder, he looked up at me.

"Not all princesses are the same, Lloyd...I want you to know that" I told him. He nods "Right.."

"Get to know her first before you judge her. She might be an amazing person, I got to talk to her. She's actually very nice" I smiled.

The moment was ruined by Cole slamming the doors open "Emergency Ninja meeting! Forty-seventh floor lobby!"

Lloyd screamed and looked over.

Nya yelped and sat up, Nadine waking up in the process. I hissed "Cole!"

"Oh...Sorry! But we have to go wake the others!" Cole said and ran out the room, I groaned and Nya yawned, putting a hand on Nadine's back.

The young Hypnobrai child rubbed her eyes "What's going on?"

I looked and gently patted her head "Nothing, hun. Go back to sleep, okay?" I smile and she nods, laying back down and closing her eyes.


Everyone was now awake and we sat on the stairs while facing Cole. My brother yawned while leaning against Kai "So let me get this straight...You pulled me out of the most luxurious bed ever because you saw a creature in your bedroom?"

"Yes. I told you, it tried to attack me! But when I fought back, it ran off somewhere! It disappeared" Cole said. "But get this, the weirdest part is that the creature was wearing my mother's necklace."

Everyone looked at eachother but this made me listen to Cole. "Cole, um..." Lloyd approached Cole. "Are you sure this really happened, like...In reality?"

"What do you mean?" Cole asked. Zane explained "I believe he is implying that you were dreaming."

I could feel Cole's emotions turn to slight anger. "It wasn't a dream! I recognized it right away! It had a picture of my parents inside it."

"So where is it?" Nya asked. "Well, I don't have it on me..." Cole frowned "The creature grabbed it back before he vanished."

Kai yawned "Cole, buddy...Go back to bed" he said as Jay was asleep leaning against him. Wu spoke "It must have been a dream, Cole. Because I do not recall your mother ever having a locket."

"She did! I've seen pictures of it. We have to tell King Vangelis!" Cole retorted and I stood up. I walked over to Cole and put a hand on his shoulder "Cole."

He looked up at me.

"We're guests here...We can't wake up the King in the middle of the night. Why don't we work this out in the morning?" I suggested and Cole sighed, he slowly nods and everyone went back up the steps.

I looked at Cole "I'll see you in the morning okay?" I said and left up the steps to go to bed.


I arrived in my bedroom and lied down in bed, Nya getting in after me. I held Nadine close in my arms and Nya cuddled into me on my other side.

I saw her frowning and I looked "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask.

She sighed "Nothing. I'm just a bit concerned...I mean. Did something really sneak into the castle?"

I frowned at this. "Hey, look at me."

She looked up at me and I smiled "Even if it did, I wouldn't let it hurt you or Nadine."

She smiled and chuckled "Of course you wouldn't. You're so protective...But I like that."

She kissed my cheek and smiled, nuzzling her head into my shoulder and I layed my head down, looking at the ceiling.

My mind went back to that Dragonoid form from earlier. I frowned. My mind was racing with thoughts...I couldn't help but wonder why that started happening now.

Was it that crystal I touched in the Never-Realm?

I sighed, deciding to look into it later. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with both my wife and child in my arms.


Author's Edit: Oct 23, 2023


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