The Wish

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My eyes opened wide and I sat up quickly, slightly panting as I started to catch my breath. "Oh dear, hey it's okay...Breathe..." I heard a voice and looked seeing Selma there comforting me.

I took in a breath and exhaled. I looked down feeling a weight and saw Junior curled up asleep on me. Selma chuckled lightly "He wouldn't leave your side ever since you fainted. How are you feeling?"

"I uh, I'm feeling better...Thank you" I thanked her and glanced over at her again. Iris was curled around my neck.

"Don't thank me, thank Skales. He was the one that found you" she said and stepped aside as Skales slithered over.

My eyes widened and I felt my eyes water. I immediately embraced my father as tears went down my face.

He flinched but slowly hugged back. "Dad...I missed you so much."

"Wait, what?...I don't understand." Skales said and pulled away, Selma tilted her head slightly in confusion.

I took out my blue gem necklace "You gave me this right?" I asked Skales.

His eyes widened "No...I-It..It can't be. I recognize that."

"Asteria?...Is it really you?"

I nod and gave him a gentle smile. He suddenly embraced me and tears fell down his face "My daughter...You've returned. Oh, I'm so glad..." He said as I embraced him.

"I'm so sorry...I-I'm so so sorry..." I apologized while crying. Selma sat next to me on the homemade bed and gently wiped my tears away.

"Don't be sorry dear...It was never your fault" she smiled as she embraced Skales and I.

I felt something around my waist and looked seeing Junior hugging me. Skales and Selma let go as Junior sat up "So you're my sister...?"

I smiled and caressed Junior's face "Yes I am."

His face brightened and hugged me again. I embraced Junior and turned to Skales and Selma.

"I would love to stay but...There's something I need help with and I need advice." I said and Skales raised an eyebrow "Really? With what?" She asked and I started to explain.


"-And that's when I landed here. I was thinking about you guys so that might be why I landed in the tomb." I finished explaining and glanced at my parents as Junior was playing with the other serpent children.

Skales frowned "All of that has been happening to you? Asteria..."

I deeply sighed and felt my head "Yeah I just...I don't know what to do. I have nobody left and Nya is going to marry Nadakhan." I explained and frowned.

Skales put a hand on my shoulder and I glanced up at him.

"So you're telling me...After all this years the greatest daughter I could ever have has no one to call up?"

I then realized. My sad expression turned bright "Thanks Dad." I hugged him and Selma joined in the hug. I let go and left waving bye to them and saying goodbye to Junior before I left.

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