Wrong Place

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"Your new body is a fighting instrument, listen to it." Sensei Wu told Lloyd as Jay, Cole, Kai and Zane gathered around the boy as they continued his training.

I tend to find myself distracted lately. Time feels as it goes by much slower to keep myself busy. Lloyd has been much more inclined to train leaving no free time for any time together.

It's the same with the others focusing on training Lloyd. I would sometimes hang out with Nya though. She would be working in the bridge keeping the Bounty in order and I would just hang around.

She didn't mind the company and I would read or draw, sometimes strike up conversation. As of late I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something missing in my life.

The elephant in the room is my memories but there is nothing that can change what has been lost. Instead what is missing from my life now? I have no drive, no goal or anything to achieve.

I'm just here with this group I consider friends, existing. A cog in the wrong machine.

Is that really living?

Snapping out of my daze I fixated on the lesson watching Lloyd grab Jay's nunchuck tossing him to the ground with a harsh thud.

Lloyd jump flipped dodging Zane's shurikens only for them to impale in a watermelon Nya brought for us. She gasped shooting Zane a small glared as he gasped at his own mistake.

Nya shrugged letting it go commenting "Since he's grown, he's learning faster Sensei."

"But will it be enough to challenge Lord Garmadon? Only time will tell.." Sensei Wu voiced aloud hopeful for the future.

Kai draw his sword swiping at Lloyd only for him to catch the blade holding it in place. The blade quivered under their clashing strengths as Lloyd formed a ball of energy at the tip. Kai took the opportunity flipping his sword away making Lloyd fall forward from the sudden movement.

"You're getting pretty good." He commented and held a hand out helping Lloyd back to his feet.

"Yeah if I had focused more when I was little, I would've seen that coming." Lloyd replied with a sigh.

"We cannot change the past, but we can improve the future." Sensei Wu reminded him "Again, and this time do not hold back."

I left the room following behind Nya as she went to the bridge after putting the watermelon away.

"Do you want a slice Asteria?" She asked shrugging "I don't know if it will still be good..."

Before I could respond we both looked up spotting Zane's falcon flying above the deck before landing right on my head.

"The Falcon must have found something" Nya gasped before turning around to go tell the others.

"I wanted some fruit..." I frowned before glancing at the bird perched on my head.

Sighing to myself I let the falcon jump onto my arm as I walked towards the bridge meeting up with everyone with what this mechanical bird has discovered.

"Must be nice going wherever you want" I mused quietly to myself gazing into the falcon's eyes it tilted its head at me. "Knowing your purpose and fulfilling every request..."

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