Chapter 19

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"I know you don't believe it, but the fact is that I'm just stupid, I can only memorize it by rote, I can't write good poems and essays, so I didn't take the exam. At most I can only read and write, so I can only do something similar to memorizing Spring Festival couplets and writing Spring Festival couplets. It really makes me write articles honestly. I definitely can't do it. If you don't believe me, I can confront my third brother face to face. Write a handwriting and show it to everyone present, my handwriting is different from that of the third brother, so everyone can see it."

"That's right." Li Zheng answered quickly, suppressing the anger in his heart, Which Zhuang is the person who is speaking, and they are jealous of Shen Zhuang, but they are still causing trouble for him at this time, and Li Zheng said: "Shen Sanjia, go get a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and let Shen San and Shen Er both write a word. , show everyone."

"Okay." Shen Zhibo nodded quickly, and then he called his eldest grandson to go home to get things.

Soon, the pen, ink, paper and inkstone in Shen San's study were rudely carried over by Shen Zhuang, which made Shen San frown in distress, but didn't say anything, Shen Zhuangxiao ran to Shen Zhibo, "Master, I brought the things. "

Shen Zhibo also took the thing in distress, carefully turning it over to see if it was damaged, Shen Zhuang is still so rude and savage, he didn't inherit his stability at all, and he was not even as smart as his third and fourth sons. As the boss, he did not intend to waste money by sending Shen Zhuang to school.

As for Shen Er, he didn't know why Shen Er could read and write, but since he said that he was immersed in his ears, then he should be regarded as a dazzling one! Shen Zhibo's family was very poor when he was a child, and he couldn't go to school, but he was smart, so he often went to the school to eavesdrop on his studies, and finally he was able to barely read and write, and built his family business.

Shen Er is his son, so I have learned this from him! Shen Zhibo couldn't help but glance at his second son who was sitting in the quilt with a pale face, and shook his head again, even if he was a little clever, his body was already useless, so he just raised his head. The little concern he had completely faded away, and he no longer paid attention to him.

"The pen and ink have been brought, Shen Er, Shen San, you write a pair of characters each."

"Yes." Shen San and Shen Ling saluted at the same time.

Shen San came first, Shen San picked up the pen, but his hand was a little unstable. It had just been frozen for a long time, his hands and feet had not recovered, his wrists were very stiff, Shen San gritted his teeth and forced to write a word, but the writing was not good. , it's not as good as the font he usually practiced, Shen San frowned slightly, and didn't mind, anyway, it's just a comparison font, it doesn't matter if the writing is bad.

The pen and ink were held in front of Shen Er, Shen Er raised his wrist weakly, his warm hands moved flexibly, Shen San lifted the pen and pen and wrote a large character before putting down the brush.

nice! This is the only impression onlookers have of Shen Ling's writing. It seems that he is swiping the pen without procrastinating at all. Great, really great! The villagers didn't know any calligraphy, but Shen San's movements were stiff, and Shen Er's movements were fast and beautiful. They could still see it. For a while, the eyes on Shen Ling were a little different, as if Shen Ling's image suddenly became taller.

Even if they don't take the imperial examination or become an official, the people who read the book and can write are different in the eyes of the villagers, not to mention that the process of this person's writing is particularly beautiful. Some people have begun to privately think about the possibility of asking Shen Ling to help write the Spring Festival couplets. Sex, after all, the Spring Festival couplets written by Shen Ling can be sold for money. It must be a good word, and the writing is so smooth. This is a good sign. It is more auspicious than the stiff hands and feet. I feel so.

Shen Ling had no idea that what he just showed had turned into a very auspicious behavior in the eyes of the villagers.

The two characters were circulated among the crowd, and no matter whether they understood or not, they shook their heads and took a closer look. Only then did the two characters pass to Lizheng. Lizheng invited a few people who had read the book to write. Bao, the public announcement of the Spring Festival couplets is purely a rumor and should not be taken lightly. If someone in this village spreads these things in private, then don't blame him for being ruthless and punishing people to kneel in the ancestral hall.

The door of the ancestral hall is not always open, but as the patriarch, it is still okay to kneel on the stone platform when the clan members make mistakes.

It's over, Li Zheng didn't want to talk about whether Shen Ling could write the Spring Festival couplets and sell them in the future. Just as he was about to end the ambiguity, Shen Ling suddenly raised his hand and said, "Wait a minute, folks, I have something to say." The

villagers Seeing this, he immediately turned back, and no one left, Shen Ling said: "My father and I have separated from the family, and we have established our own business. In principle, what I do has nothing to do with the third brother, but I don't want to, I'm just trying to sell a couplet for the Spring Festival. I really feel very guilty."

Everyone sighed, the second son of the Shen family is really a good man! He was obviously implicated by rumors for no reason, and he was still worried about his third brother's problems. All of a sudden, everyone looked at Shen Ling with very kind eyes. It is always right to have more contacts, and many people have made up their minds secretly.

"It's just that although I am very sad and guilty, there are some things that I have to make clear, that is, the scholar's business is to compete with the people for profit, and it will damage his reputation. Even if his family goes out to sell Spring Festival couplets, it can affect his well-being. The future. Then I have to ask, can a brother like me who came out of the family can't do any business in the future and can only make a living by farming? It's not that I don't want to farm for a living, it's just that everyone sees it In my body, I really have more than enough energy but the only thing I can rely on is to read some books. I originally thought about going to the town to do business in the future. There is no problem in keeping accounts and it is a way to make a living. , but now it seems that if people who are close to scholars can't do any business, then I am weak and can't grow land, so I can only starve to death at home, and also save the future of my third brother? "

Shen Ling's words are a bit extreme, as if a basin of cold water was poured into the hot oil, and the crowd exploded instantly. If those who are related to scholars can't do business, then the Shen family can't do it for Shen San. A little business? ! Then how do they bring the eggs and pigs they raise to Zhenzi County to sell? It also makes it impossible for people to live.

Li Zheng frowned and said quickly, "Quiet, of course everyone should do whatever they want. Shen San can't affect you. Who has influenced his clan?"

Everyone calmed down. If you think about it, this is indeed the truth. There was nothing in the past, so how could Shen Eryi say anything!

Shen Ling quickly followed, "Of course, it's really hard to influence not close relatives, but close relatives will be affected, such as me, I honestly sell my Spring Festival couplets and try to live honestly, but I don't want to still affect three people. Brother, at least I can't do business, right?"

Everyone turned their eyes to Lizheng, but they saw with their own eyes that Shen Er couldn't do business. Thinking of this, they also felt that Shen Er was a little pitiful and was in poor health. No way, I finally wanted to do business, and it seemed that it would be difficult for Shen San to do it.

Li Zheng looked at Shen Er, "There is no reason in the world that a scholar's compatriots can't do business, do what you like to do."

"But Spring Festival couplets can't be written and sold, right? Otherwise, it will insult the integrity of scholars? "Shen Ling took it.

Li Zheng didn't speak this time. Seeing that Li Zheng didn't speak for a long time, Shen Zhibo had to stand up and say: "Of course, you are the real brother of your third brother, can't you make such a little sacrifice for him? I won't stop you if you want to do business. I'm not interested in you, but do you have to be involved in the affairs of these scholars? It's not good for your third brother's reputation to let people tell you how bad it is to sell Spring Festival couplets and books for a while. It's like selling characters for a living."

Shen Linggang Wanting to say that it was just selling words for a living, Shen San had already stepped forward to interrupt the two of them, and said, "Second brother, you are overthinking it, the Spring Festival couplets are purely a misunderstanding, you can do whatever you want in the future, even if Some people slander me by selling my characters for a living, and there are also villagers and neighbors as witnesses. It will not affect me or anything. Selling books is an elegant thing, and opening a study is an elegant thing. How will it affect my reputation? As for the other things The business will not affect me, the second brother is worried about me, I am very grateful, thank the second brother, the second brother does not have to worry."

Having said that, Shen San also bowed.

Shen Ling had to admit that Shen San's book was really not read in vain, his brain responded quickly, his attitude was polite, his speech was clear, and his vision was indeed wider than that of Father Shen. After all, he has already said so, if Shen San still insists on holding on to his business, it will appear that he has a small temperament, puts his reputation above his relatives, is cold-blooded, and does not know how to adapt. Instead, he said that, even if his words were spread out today and the invigilator heard them, they would not have any opinion on Shen San. Maybe they would still think that this man was smart, generous, and upright, but he would have no opinion on him. There is a good impression, at least the villagers present whispered after hearing what Shen San said, saying that Shen San is not only good at reading, but also good in character, and he will definitely be a high-ranking official in the future.

How did this logic come about? Shen Ling is not very clear, and he doesn't really want to understand. He only cares about his own affairs, no matter what the psychology of Shen San said, but since he expressed this attitude, then In the future, no one will be able to trouble him anymore because of his business affairs. This is what Shen Ling wants.

Li Zheng didn't dare and wouldn't promise him, so he forced the Shen family to promise himself, he didn't want to wait for the day when his business started, and a group of people around him were waiting for the righteous words to be held back.

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