I Get Steamrolled By a Labradoodle

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was a warm, sticky night. The woods were dark, with fireflies popping in and out of view. We were stationed next to a little creek that gurgled over some rocks, then Annabeth and the rest of the team scattered into the trees.

Far away, the conch horn blew. I heard whoops and yells in the woods, the clanking of metal, kids fighting. A blue-plumed ally from Apollo raced past us like a deer, leaped through the creek and disappeared into enemy territory.

"Good gods this is boring." I said after a few minutes, skipping a stone across the creek. "I swear, if I was on the front lines, this would have been over by now." I'll miss all the fun, as usual. "Why aren't you?" said Percy, I turned to him, and he averted his eyes down to the lake.

"How should I know? Ask Miss 'always has a strategy' I didn't ask to have you follow me around like a lost puppy, I'm not even supposed to be doing this." I complained as I was fiddling with the straps of my shield.

"I hate these things. In my experience, they are big, clunky, vision blocking hunks of metal that get you eaten thanks to this huge blind spot that any monster with half a brain could use to tear you up."

"But we aren't fighting monsters we're fighting people." Percy countered. "Yeah, this is definitely your first capture the flag." I laughed. "But not yours?" I shook my head as I searched for a smooth stone to skip.

"I've been in one or two, my first time I got cornered by Apollo cambers and turned into a pin cushion, the next time, the Ares cabin blew right past me and I woke up the next day. Campers are savages when it comes to that stupid bedsheet they call a flag."

I put Percy at ease by saying, "But don't worry, nobody will bother us with me watching your back, half of them won't get close to me, and the other half I could beat with my eyes closed. Just have fun while you can. We can revel in our victory later if blondies plan works."

I expected him to ask about capture the flag, but instead he asked "Why does everyone stay away from you? You don't seem all bad." I smiled, "I appreciate that, and if you mean aside from the fact I constantly have to 'interfere' with their precious quests, it's because-"

I didn't finish, I'm not entirely certain what I was about to say to him, but it was rendered a moot point by the javelin that came flying out at us from the forest. My reflexes kicked in before my brain did, my shield arm raised and pressed into the projectile to brace for impact.

I was grateful for the protection as the haft of the javelin splintered off my shield but knocked me off balance, I landed on my backside as I saw them charge towards us. "Percy, get ready!" I shouted and I clambered to my feet, soaked to the bone.

He was not ready, not at all, not that I was much better, I mean, who ambushes a border patrol during capture the flag, that's just stupid, unless you were going for... I sighed. My suspicions were confirmed.

On the other side of the creek, the underbrush exploded. Five Ares warriors came yelling and screaming out of the dark. "Cream the punk!" Clarisse screamed, glaring through the slits of her helmet.

She brandished a two-metre spear, its barbed metal tip flickering with red light. Her siblings had only the standard-issue bronze swords. They charged across the stream. I met them halfway. "Which one of us is the punk?" I asked.

She was not messing around, decked out in full armour and a dark gleam in her eye that told me she was chomping at the bit for a fight. "You're next pretty boy." She snarled, "Aww, Clarisse you think I'm pretty?"

I went to smile and wink at her, but that second, something rammed into my shield arm, knocking me to one side. One of her larger brothers had rammed into my shield, in my blind spot. I resisted the urge to yell 'I told you so' at Percy as I tumbled.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now