We Escape From Alcatraz

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(Y/N)'s POV

The good news: the left tunnel was straight with no side exits, twists, or turns. The bad news: it was a dead end. After sprinting a hundred yards, we ran into an enormous boulder that completely blocked our path.

Behind us, the sounds of dragging footsteps and heavy breathing echoed down the corridor. Something—definitely not human— was on our tail. "Tyson," I said, "can you—" "Yes!" He slammed his shoulder against the rock so hard the whole tunnel shook.

Dust trickled from the stone ceiling. "Hurry!" Grover said. "Don't bring the roof down, but hurry!" The boulder finally gave way with a horrible grinding noise. Tyson pushed it into a small room and we dashed through behind it.

"Close the entrance!" Annabeth said. We all got on the other side of the boulder and pushed. Whatever was chasing us wailed in frustration as we heaved the rock back into place and sealed the corridor. "We trapped it," I said. "Or trapped ourselves," Grover said.

Once we were clear I explained. "I recognised that thing, it was what attacked me, I'm sure of it. It made the same noises, same movements" I broke it down in my head, "Are you certain?" Annabeth asked, I nodded, "What can you tell us about it?"

"Reptilian, winged, old, strong as hell, and not very nice, carries a blade and a whip like a Furies" I said, not being able to give much more of a description, and feeling a little bitter just uttering that name. "How do you know it was a lizard if you didn't see it?" Percy asked, "The hissing genius."

"Hissing? I didn't hear any hissing." Percy said, I looked at Annabeth, who shook her head, I sighed, "Man, you guys must live in such a dull world. You're telling me now that not only can you not see, but you can't hear?"

I didn't need to see her face perfectly to know Annabeth had just rolled her eyes at me and Percy was pouting, "Tyson, back me up here big guy." I asked, he nodded, "Sounds, like a bust pipe or a blade being quenched."

I gestured to him in confirmation, I thought about it more, "My first guess would be a Lamia, but they don't get that big, and they aren't as dexterous as that thing was, their spines from their human half limit their range of movement, and you'd hear them coming a mile off, so a gorgon maybe?"

"Like Medusa?" Percy asked, I nodded, "Yeah, but she said herself that her sisters were dead, and they were never recorded as that big in the myth" Annabeth said, "And neither of those account for the wings." I sighed, "I got squat"

Try as I might, I had never encountered or read about a monster fitting the description of the silhouette I had seen pass by the milkman's eyes or the brief glimpse of the monster that pursued us. It gave me an uneasy feeling.

Oh, wait no, that was my body shutting down. As the monster battered its body against the boulder, every impact was like a punch in the gut, it was like just being close to the source of the poison made it more intense.

It took a lot of effort to remain standing, and the only reason I had was because the monster cut it's losses after some failed attempts and slithered away, "We need to put some distance between us and that thing, for all our sakes" I recommended.

I turned. We were in a twenty-foot-square cement room, and the opposite wall was covered with metal bars. We'd tunneled straight into a cell. "What in Hades?" Annabeth tugged on the bars. They didn't budge. "Any other bright ideas?" I asked. She frowned at me.

Through the bars we could see rows of cells in a ring around a dark courtyard —at least three stories of metal doors and metal catwalks. "A prison," I said. Percy was more concerned with leaving, and I couldn't blame him. "Maybe Tyson can break—" "Shh," said Grover. "Listen."

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora