We Flash Some Security Guards

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Why don't you heal yourself there champ, don't worry, I'll let you, I don't want blood on my new rug." Luke said, gesturing to my blades as he confiscated my sword. I spat blood in his face. "Dude! Gross." He wiped it off.

"You think I'm stupid Castellan. I could sense that thing before I kicked in the door." I said as I held my nose, I gestured behind him, he smiled like he was impressed, "Well, go ahead then" he said.

I laughed at him, "You're out of luck, only works on mortals dingus." I explained, knowing his plan. Luke's playful smile faded, "Interesting." He said, "I still don't want blood on my new rug." "Tough." I smiled through the blood. Moving forward to lean further onto the furniture.

The second I moved; his two buddies pressed spears into either side of my neck. Luke waved them off. "Nobody touches him. If he bleeds any more, he might just become a problem. Here."

He picked up something from a nearby table, broke a piece off and threw it to me, I was hoping he would forget, and I was feeling hazy already. I refused to eat it, just a little longer and I would be able to-

"Don't be rude (Y/N), eat and feel better, or I might just have to go and see how the mortals are liking their vacations." He threatened, I ate it, he couldn't poison Ambrosia if he tried, and my nose really hurt. "Worth a shot." I said, he shrugged.

As the pain in my head faded, the ambrosia doing its job, tasting like my favourite food, then I was met with a bittersweet memory as the sweet scent of ice cream filled my nose, like the first time I was ever injured by a monster.

I was missing something, a key piece of the puzzle, but for the life of me I couldn't remember what it was, that's the problem with losing your memory, you can't remember what you forgot. But something was wrong, I knew that much.

I knew what had happened, I hated the Lethe the most, I could take pain, I can take feeling hopeless, but that river, I despised it. It was always the most painful to endure. It was the most sick, twisted punishment they had made me endure.

It took parts of me, of my memory, my life, and made them nothing. Made them meaningless, every time I had to face the Lethe, I wished that none of this had ever happened, I wished I hadn't had the foolish notion to ever attack a god, but I guess the was the point.

I looked around, the stateroom was beautiful, and it was horrible. The beautiful part: huge windows curved along the back wall, looking out over the stern of the ship. Green sea and blue sky stretched all the way to the horizon.

A Persian rug covered the floor. Two plush sofas occupied the middle of the room, with a canopied bed in one corner and a mahogany dining table in the other. The table was loaded with food: pizza boxes, bottles of soda and a stack of roast beef sandwiches on a silver platter.

The horrible part: on a velvet dais at the back of the room lay a three-metre-long golden casket. A sarcophagus engraved with Ancient Greek scenes of cities in flames and heroes dying grisly deaths. Despite the sunlight streaming through the windows, the casket made the whole room feel cold.

"Swanky place you have here." I said, glaring at him as the spears were pointed at me. "Well," Luke said, spreading his arms proudly. "A little nicer than Cabin Eleven, huh?" He'd changed since last summer.

Instead of Bermuda shorts and a T-shirt, he wore a button-down shirt, khaki trousers, and leather loafers. His sandy hair, which used to be so unruly, was now clipped short. He looked like an evil male model, showing off what the fashionable college-age villain was wearing to Harvard this year.

He still had the scar under his eye – a jagged white line from his battle with a dragon. And propped against the sofa was his magical sword, Backbiter, glinting strangely with its half steel, half Celestial bronze blade that could kill both mortals and monsters.

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