I Am Prevented From Touching Toes

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(Y/N)'s POV

It might shock you to know this, but as it turns out, the Hoover Dam wasn't actually designed to be used as a skate ramp. Personally, I thought that this was an oversight and wasted potential, but right now I was more concerned with the flat hunk of concrete seven hundred feet below me.

As harsh as the steep slope of the dam was, it wasn't unskatable if I had my wings to help myself balance and maintained constant contact with my skateboard, hoping it could handle the beating, I assured myself that it would be fine.

The problem was that the slope ended with a huge flat platform of concrete that I'm sure would send my knees shooting through my throat if I impacted it at full speed. Plus, my two buddies were causing me some trouble.

As we reached what I was becoming more and more sure would be all of our collective ends with every yard we skated, they began to shake and writhe in my arms, trying to escape, but that was the easiest thing to deal with in this situation.

It felt kind of gross, but I put my fingers into their empty eye sockets and used my hands to rip their heads from their bodies, which collapsed and slid down the dam, smashing against the platform before I could. I threw the skulls behind me.

I dreaded to think what the mortal onlookers were seeing right now and hoped I hadn't traumatised any of them. Not that I thought about that for very long, I was more concerned with not becoming a pancake against a national monument.

I could see it now, once the others had gotten Annabeth free of wherever she was, they'd take her to Hoover dam to make up for it and she could visit a little plaque of me to cry over.

"Here lies (Y/N) (L/N), who dove off things that are not survivable not thinking of any way to stop himself beforehand. He also lies over there" And then a little arrow pointing to the bloodstain on the side of the dam.

I don't know how this entire fantasy and my efforts to shake the skeletons had all only taken about half the size of the dam to do, but my stomach turned once more as I saw the incoming impact.

I knew I only had a short time to think of something, but in the face of it, I couldn't think of anything, all that was going through my head was panic. Luckily, someone much calmer and smarter then me decided to be the voice of reason.

A feminine voice that I was familiar with but couldn't quite place said three words that changed everything, "You can fly!" and in a strange moment of instinct I overcame my panic and thought, "Oh yeah!"

I started a classic bail, but the only weird thing about it was that I had jumped off about an 115° angle and the strange feeling of not hitting the ground at all after a bail, I hung in the air in order to halt my momentum.

It still hurt, like it jumbled up my insides, I felt like I was at the top of a rollercoaster, just cresting the edge, and right when my stomach felt the weirdest, I stopped. Not that I was in any position to complain.

I'd take an upset tummy over a broken body any time. I only moved again to save my skateboard, that was almost about to rocket off the edge of the dam, once I had caught it, I turned and looked at the top of the dam.

Hundreds of people, a mix of tourists, staff and security were all staring at me, some of them recording, and my initial reaction was one of awkwardness, I looked up at them and timidly waved.

I have no idea what they saw of that little stunt, but all of them went crazy, applause, shouting and the flashes of cameras were all aimed down at me, I couldn't help but blush and look down bashfully.

But at the end of the day, as much as I liked the praise I knew that I couldn't just leave them all like this, I could feel Chiron in my head, scolding me for making an avoidable headline. As much as a part of me wanted the fame, I knew what I had to do.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now