We Start Our Careers In Bullfighting

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(Y/N)'s POV

I raced to the top of Half-Blood Hill. This time what I saw up there was even worse than the Gryphon: two bulls. And not just regular bulls – bronze ones the size of elephants. And even that wasn't bad enough. Naturally they had to breathe fire, too.

As soon as we exited the taxi, the Grey Sisters peeled out, heading back to New York, where life was safer. They didn't even wait for their extra three-drachma payment.

They just left us on the side of the road, Annabeth with nothing but her backpack and knife, Tyson and Percy still in their burned-up tie-dyed gym clothes.

"Oh, man," said Annabeth, looking at the battle raging on the hill. I run past them, drawing my weapons, where were the long-range division? Lee should have rained hell on these things by now.

Even the containment squad seemed scattered, the only way that could have happened is if the monsters sneaked into camp, but how can that be possible? One of the campers shouted, "Border patrol, to me!"

A girl's voice – gruff and familiar. "It's Clarisse," Annabeth said. "Come on, we have to help her." I was too focused on the bulls, I looked at Clarisse, she was in trouble. Her fellow warriors were scattering, running in panic as the bulls charged.

The grass was burning in huge swathes around the pine tree. One hero screamed and waved his arms as he ran in circles, the horsehair plume on his helmet blazing like a fiery Mohawk.

Clarisse's own armour was charred. She was fighting with a broken spear shaft, the other end embedded uselessly in the metal joint of one bull's shoulder. I reached her first. Lucky too, because one of the bulls heads was leaning back like it was about to start breathing fire.

I knew Clarisse was too stubborn to back down from a fight like some of the more sensible campers, so I only had one option, make the decision for her. I tackled her to the floor as flame roared above our heads. "Let go of me!" She screamed.

"Hey, don't worry, it's just me, and I promise, that's just my sword" I said as she wriggled free, elbowing me in the nose in the process. "Gods, I hate you!" she got to her feet as the bull backed off and pulled me up, "You're welcome."

We didn't have time for much more conversation, and both had to dive out of the way of a charging bull. "Can't you just tell this thing to calm down!" I asked, "That's boars genius! And It's mechanical!" She said as Percy and Annabeth joined the party.

"Gods I hate robots." I muttered, they made things extra complicated for no reason and interfered with everything that I tried to do, ruining my perfectly laid out plans.

Clarisse, began yelling at her patrol, trying to get them into phalanx formation. It was a good idea. The few who were listening lined up shoulder to shoulder, locking their shields to form an ox-hide-and-bronze wall, their spears bristling over the top like porcupine quills.

Unfortunately, Clarisse could only muster seven campers, including me, who had no shield. The other four were still running around with their helmets on fire. Annabeth ran towards them, trying to help.

She taunted one of the bulls into chasing her, then turned invisible, completely confusing the monster. The other bull charged Clarisse's line. The bull moved deadly fast for something so big.

Its metal hide gleamed in the sun. It had fist-sized rubies for eyes and horns of polished silver. When it opened its hinged mouth, a column of white-hot flame blasted out. "Hold the line!" Clarisse ordered her warriors.

Whatever else you could say about Clarisse, she was brave. She was a big girl with cruel eyes like her father's. She looked like she was born to wear Greek battle armour, but I didn't see how even she could stand against that bull's charge.

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