We Discuss Project Whack-A-Mole

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(Y/N)'s POV

"The Labyrinth, as in balls of string and Minotaurs? That's ridiculous, wherever I ended up was so much worse then that legend. I could get through a minotaur in my sleep...no offence Percy." I said, shaking my head.

Percy deadpanned at me and Clarisse growled at me, "How about you shut your mouth and listen for once." She demanded, every eye in the room was on her. "Chiron sent me on a mission a few moths ago."

"My job was to scout out the Labyrinth, since none of you punks were up to the challenge." "Why?" I asked, she shot daggers at me, "I was getting to that!" Chiron shot me a disapproving glance, "Sorry..." I muttered.

"This isn't the old Labyrinth in Crete we're talking about here, that things long gone, died with Daedalus years ago. But someone revamped it, now it's revving at full throttle again. It's beyond massive, I wouldn't be surprised if it spanned the entire world now."

"It's like it can think. Right wise girl?" Annabeth nodded, "the Labyrinth can lead you almost anywhere. It reads your thoughts. It was designed to fool you, to trick you and kill you." She looked at me for an example.

"It's why you couldn't see through the darkness, it knew you normally could, so it deployed countermeasures to stop you, to keep you in there." I nodded as Clarisse took over again. "Where did it spit you out pretty boy?" She asked me.

"Weren't you listening, Nyx pulled me out, I didn't get out alone, why? Is that important?" She sighed, "Yes, it is. The Labyrinth connects to the world above it. It's like tunnel warfare, you could pop up anywhere, and flank your enemy, so it's good to know where the entrances and exits are."

"Me and Clarisse have been tracking down possible locations for going in and out of the maze safely." Annabeth added, "Why?" I asked, Clarisse looked at Chiron, who nodded. "That traitor Luke and his buddies are down there."

"We think they're trying to find a way into the camp via the Labyrinth. Lucky for us, the Labyrinth is constantly shifting and attempting to kill its inhabitants. So you can't map it properly, I've tried."

"Then why worry about..." I trailed off, suddenly unable to talk through the pain that radiated in me, I fell to my knee and went to save myself with my hand, only to fail miserably and land on my face despite putting out my hand to stop myself.

"What the hell is going on?" I thought, something wasn't sitting right with me, Annabeth, Lee, Percy, Silena and Beckendorf all got up to help me, but I held out a hand to stop them. "I'm fine, just faint from starvation," I glanced up at Annabeth, who was frowning at me.

I quickly recovered and got to my feet, only to see Chiron staring at me, looking worried, I quickly wanted to move on, ignoring how weak I felt all of a sudden "Please, continue, I'll eat after this."

Chiron answered this time, keeping a cautious eye on me, like a doctor would during a test, "We fear that Luke is hunting for a way to see through the deceptions of the Labyrinth, and could find his way here."

I nodded, "Yeah, I imagine that would suck, here's an idea, scour the camp, find any entrances, put guards around them, or blow the tunnels. He can't get here through a pile of rubble." Clarisse growled again.

"Are you deaf (L/N)? If we blow the exits, the Labyrinth will grow more here just to spite us. And even if we guard any entrances we find, chances are, even if we were to find it in time, there'd be a hidden one we hadn't seen, or Luke would attack us when we least expect it."

"Then blow them up as the soldiers pour through, two birds one stone, blow Luke to Hades, seal the entrances, and do it all over gain when he resurfaces, problem solved, you're welcome." I looked at Beckendorf.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now