I Play Twenty Questions Wrong

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Okay, deep breaths, deep breaths, you planned for this." I reminded myself internally as an arc of lightning struck me, I had incorporated this into my planning, just for this circumstance, but that didn't make it any easier. I hadn't expected Zeus to blow his top so fast.

As the world around me set on fire, I tried my best to ignore the burning heat that tore through my nervous system, and just focused on two things, well, three if you counted staying conscious.

Secondly, just taking the damage for long enough, I didn't need to survive it forever, just long enough that it meant something, long enough to do what I needed it to. But I kept the most important thing in mind too.

My heart, I just couldn't ever let it reach my heart, or I was on a one way trip to an early cremation. Lucky that I had considered this, I intertwined my heart with a shield of shadow, both to stop it from beating, and to protect it.

I just stood here, in the throne room, suffering, and despite my whole body feeling like I was burning to ash, and wanting nothing more then to go crying to Hemera for help I knew I had to keep waiting.

But like I said to Zeus, this was nothing, holding the sky, being slapped by Zoe, those were true pain, this was nothing. And if it got me closer to the truth, I would suffer it for as long as I had to.

In the pain, I was hit with an idea, and knew it was a good chance to get this over with, to finally get him to listen, still, I can't believe I was going to ask him for this, I must be insane.

Percy's POV

The room went completely white, the noise alone was enough to make my ears bleed, I couldn't see anything, if Artemis weren't protecting us, there was no doubt in my mind that we would all be goners.

It made the explosion from earlier look like a sparkler, I remembered what Chiron had once told me about the master bolt, that it 'packs enough power to make mortal hydrogen bombs look like firecrackers.'

Just from the noise it made, and that even the gods had to shield themselves from it, showed me that he wasn't kidding, and neither was Zeus. The first thing I saw when the light faded was electricity arcing along the floor of the throne room. And the aftermath.

The air in the room was hot, almost burning, it was hard to even breathe, Artemis looked back to check that we were all doing okay, but she herself looked rough, she had been the closest to the blast, the silver aura around her was bleaker, he hair was dishevelled, her breathing was heavier.

"What are you doing!" I heard Athena shout from her throne, Zeus defended his actions, "Delivering swift Olympian justice that should have struck the boy down years ago!"

"You nearly killed my daughter!" Athena roared. "My apologies Athena, but that is a calculated risk that I must take for the safety of Olympus" Zeus reasoned.

"It is my duty as your king to put the safety of this council before my own needs, destroying the boy was the quickest way to stop Nyx's Great War before it truly begins. She shall think twice now before staking her claim to my throne."

"Brother, you fool, you have just given her the cause she needs!" Poseidon snapped, I saw his eyes focus on me for a second, and felt like I was in water, like I was calm and safe, I wanted to thank him, but I was too worried.

I could hear no other sound beside the voices of the gods. It must be magically projected or something, because the only real sound that I could hear was the whining noise in my ear since the blast hit the ground.

My ears were ringing and my eyes hurt, but I forced myself to keep my eyes open, hoping for any sign, any glimpse of my friend in the wreckage, I blinked, then a few more times, hurrying to fix my vision so that I could gather what happened.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now