The War Ruins Date Night

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Are you sure you don't want me to come hang out?" He asked for the billionth time, I sighed, speaking sarcastically, "Yes Percy, I want you to come hang out with me and my girlfriend, alone, just the three of us. Us two, and you as well."

He pouted at me like a sad puppy, "It was just a question." I nodded, "A stupid one." I said as we walked out the front entrance of Goode High school. As Percy walked over to meet his mother, I smiled and waved at her, but realized something.

"You're not wearing it again." He batted my hand away to stop me waving at his mother and said "Your dam right I'm not, I'm not getting wedgied again." I sighed, "That was one time, and it was funny. I couldn't resist."

"It wasn't funny!" He insisted, "I wish you never got me the stupid thing." He muttered, I rolled my eyes, "How ungrateful. You should always keep it on, it'll save your life one day, I'm telling you. Then you'll be grateful for that wedgie." He chuckled, said "Doubtful." And moved on.

I followed him to the car as he sulked, "I'll just go sit at home, alone." He fake sighed, I nodded, "Yeah, you go do that gills." He frowned at me, so I encouraged him, pointing, "Or here's an idea, if you're feeling lonely. I bet you there's a girl about...lets say 50...Miles in that direction, feeling just as lonely."

He looked very confused for a moment, once he caught up he shrugged, "And make Argus drive her all the way here? No way." I groaned, "And you wonder why you're bored on a Friday afternoon?"

I chucked a drachma at him as he got into Sally's car and said "Iris message is on me buddy, the rest is all you." He just rolled his eyes as his mother laughed a little at his complete and utter lack of any noticeable game whatever.

At least that's what I think she was laughing at, she couldn't have been laughing at me. Who would ever laugh at someone this awesome? Despite my efforts, Percy did not get out a spray bottle, and instead borrowed his mother's cell phone. Sighing, I rolled my eyes and made my way to my own Friday afternoon plans.

Annabeth's POV

The last time I did anything even remotely like a normal teenager might was on the day I stopped going to school. I remember it vividly because it was the last time I remember seeing a smile on (Y/N)'s face.

I was coming out of school on my last day of the semester when I was met with the commotion, and for once I wished that I had the life of a normal teenager, or at least normal friends. I don't think I had ever been publicly humiliated like this in all my life.

"ANNABETH CHASE!" A voice screamed at the top of their lungs, drawing the eyes of everyone in the schoolyard, the spectacle only got worse as they started skating circles around the vice principal as he tried to intervene.

As I kept my head down and tried to get down the steps and past the school gate as fast as possible so that I could pretend this never happened and the vice principal began to call the cops as campus security tried to apprehend my boyfriend, he saw me.

I was just reaching for my Yankee cap when I heard him say, "Oh, there she is. Thanks guys, catch you later." And I heard the rumble of skateboard wheels as he approached me like nothing had happened.

"Hi." He said to me like a child, as I frowned at him, he blushed a little and shrunk away from my gaze. "Sorry, I got bored of waiting." He explained, as I sighed he pulled me closer to him, "Sooo, how was school?" Rubbing my face I said "Fine."

"Much like you then?" He smirked, I rolled my eyes as he pulled me into a kiss. But that was when we heard the rushed footsteps of Campus security, so we had to sprint down the sidewalk and duck into an alley.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora