The Enemy Sends Me Flowers

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Percy's POV

"Look, I'm going to tell you something, but you have to keep it a secret." I urged, she looked worried, but then smiled, "I am to be trusted Percy my friend, do not waver in your conviction." I raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you talking like that?" She looked down, "It comes out when I'm nervous..." She said, I was confused, why was she nervous? I moved on, telling her all about how I had bathed in the Styx and what I saw down there, it was something I hadn't shared with anyone.

It was dark in those waters, and for the first time I couldn't breathe underwater, the thought alone of that feeling made panic twinge in my chest, but I got over it and instead spent my time explaining to Zoe in detail what I had seen.

It was good to get it off my chest, and tell someone what I had seen down there and the whispers I heard. The pain I had felt, for some reason I wasn't comfortable sharing it with anyone else.

"I thought I was going to die..." I trailed off as she hung off every word, biting her lip in anxiety. "And what happened?" She asked and I felt my face flush, I never intended to go that part with my story.

Swallowing hard, I thought of a way to put this that wouldn't freak her out. My face still went red when I said, "I think you saved my life." She beamed at me. "Wonderful! How?" I blinked a few times and tried my best to explain without combusting.

My fingers traced to the necklace she gave me as I explained. Remembering the time that I had almost gave up, my exact thoughts still fresh on my mind, the pain of the Styx still with me even now I was invincible.

The pain was too much. My hands and feet were melting into the water, my soul was being ripped from my body. I couldn't remember who I was. The pain of Kronos's scythe had been nothing compared to this.

I was ready to take my last breath, I felt voices around me, urging me to be dragged down to the depths. And I almost listened to them, until a light caught my eye, bright like the moon, a pale blue light hung around my neck as I floated.

It was my necklace, I almost let go of my last bit of air in shock, but I clung onto it like a flotation device, my mind was transported to a few months ago, somehow a moment that had caught in my mind even if I didn't realize it.

I thought about Zoe and Artemis fighting against Atlas. Both of them moving around with grace and poise while raining down hell in the form of arrows upon him. I thought to Zoe fighting the Nemean Lion. Her tears upon not finding Bianca's body.

The wonder in her eyes when she looked at Artemis, or the glee in her voice when she talked about her nostalgic moments with (Y/N), and for some reason, it gave me a bit of strength, the light only grew brighter. The evil spirits were warded away.

And then suddenly there was a tug in my lower back like someone had struck it with an arrow. The current pulled at me, but it wasn't carrying me away anymore. I imagined the string in my back keeping me tied to the shore.

"It was the only thing that gave me the strength to walk away from that place." I finished as I ended my explanation, finally looking her in the face. My heart leapt at the smattering of a blush that crossed her face.

"W...well, I am glad my gift has fulfilled it's purpose, though I must admit I could never have imagined this outcome, I simply hopes it would...keep you safe." She said quietly. But her hand traced along my arms.

"Where . . . where is the spot?" I wasn't supposed to tell anyone. But this was Zoe, she was a close friend. If I couldn't trust her, I couldn't trust anyone. "The small of my back." She lifted her hand. "Where? Here?"

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now