We Electrocute the Lightning Thief

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(Y/N)'s POV

As I grabbed hold of Luke, I knew I had to stop him from going wherever he was trying to, so I decided to shadow travel us somewhere before he got the chance. I thought of the one place he wouldn't escape alive if I took him there. Olympus.

I had never travelled there like this before, there was so much security around it and barriers blocking me from entering it that we'd set off just about every alarm in the place if I managed to get there.

I knew it would deplete my stamina exponentially even if we did make it and Luke would probably kill me in retaliation, but I would get him to Olympus and once they caught him, Percy could vouch for me and get my mom back for my loyalty. Well, that was the plan anyway.

I didn't even come close to reaching Olympus. I knocked him off course, we were streaking through the air as a shadow before we hit an extremely hard surface. Tumbling five feet to the ground I groaned and looked up to see Thalia's Pine.

"I take it back, I guess it's not pointless" I thought as I went to get to my feet, the barrier around camp shimmering like we were in a giant snow globe. I heard the shuffle of feet behind me and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

"You little brat!" Luke cried, swinging in a wide arc from above me, I rolled out of the way. Backbiter cut into the ground where I had been a breath before. I spun around on my knees to dodge it and swung my fist wildly to try to create some distance.

I hit him in the cheek and he laughed at me, it was a shrill, high laugh that felt a little deranged, stumbling away from me holding his cheek, "Ow!" He said like it was a mild annoyance he now had to deal with.

I jumped at him, getting his head in a sort of headlock, I went for what amounted to a flying DDT, he crumpled to the floor for a second, so I went to kick his sword away only for him to strike upwards at an odd angle and slash my thigh.

I backed away quickly, not wanting to risk staying in his sword's range, he stood up, rubbing his nose that was smeared with blood and dirt, "OW!" He repeated, since when was he such a freak?

My first instinct was to draw my Kingslayer blades and tear him to pieces, but I was weak, tired from my travel, however short it was, and if I got one of the worse Rivers like Cocytus or Lethe I was done for.

Instead, I dove for the training sword I had dropped when we impacted the barrier. Wheeling around, I turned to face him, I held it up frailly, wishing I had a better choice. Luke laughed, the same shrill laugh from earlier.

"You realise it's blunt right? You think you're going to get close enough to me to do any damage with that thing?" He asked, "Come over here and find out." I glared back. He smiled, "We don't have to do this."

"The offer still stands (Y/N), forget about them, join the winning side for once. Take back everything they took from you." I froze a little, it was a tempting offer, and I would have taken it without a second thought a few months ago, but now I had too much to lose.

The gods were going to revive my mother, if I spurned them now all of that could be put at risk and all my hard work would be wasted. If I betrayed the camp after all the friends I had made and the people who had come to accept me I might not be welcomed back.

So as much as I wanted revenge, as much as I agreed with him about the state of the world and the blatant unfairness of the system that was rigged against us from the start, I shook my head. "I can't." I said bluntly.

Luke frowned, his scar looking deeper than ever. "Fine. Have it your way!" He said as Backbiter came towards my neck, he had closed the distance before I could even comprehend it. I raised my forearms out of instinct.

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