The World Proves Unfair

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(Y/N)'s POV

There are some things I did in life that I regret, not that I would ever admit that, but today, on the worst day of my life, there were two things I could never regret, the first was my final fight with Luke.

I was sad I lost and frustrated because I never managed to beat him in a straight up sword fight, but I didn't regret it, not for a single moment. Because it was exactly what I wanted, to fight Luke, not Kronos, not with magic, just Luke, like the good old days.

The second thing that I couldn't really ever let myself regret was forgetting myself in the moment of shock after Ethan was stabbed, in my grief and anger, for once I didn't attack, for once, all I wanted to do was help him. I don't regret what I did, and I couldn't regret what came after.

As the floor cracked and I saw him slip into the open air below us, I didn't think about loyalty, about traitors or wars, I dove right past the titan lord to reach him, because in that moment to me, Ethan was just...Ethan.

Nothing else mattered, he had attacked me, betrayed me, hurt the people I loved, but I couldn't bring myself to let him fall like he did. I wasn't thinking as I jumped over the edge, I just needed to do this, this was what my wings were for, this was why I had them.

Even as I left my friends and Annabeth behind, something in me was reassuring my frantic mind that this was okay, that they would be okay without me, and that I needed to do this, otherwise I could never live with myself.

Tunnel vision overtook me as soon as I felt the wind pass by me and my wings extended, I heard Kronos laugh, I heard Annabeth scream at me, but it all just fell away. All I saw was him falling, all I could hear was the rush of wind, all I could feel was my urge to help him.

As much as I hated him five seconds prior, as much as I wanted to kill him for everything he had done, I wanted this more. The thing was, I had no earthly idea why. Maybe because he was family, maybe some other reason.

His final expression was what solidified my choice, the confusion, the frustration, the fear in his eyes, that reminded me of so many of the people I had lost before. As I flew down to him, I was calling his name, but the sound of thunder in the distance drowned out my calls to him.

Lowering my speed, I caught him as gently as I could, knowing he was injured. We were falling fast though, I tried to fly up so that we could regain ground, but the force of Kronos's spell to separate Olympus from New York meant I couldn't, instead I braced for the impact.

We hit the sidewalk harshly, but I made sure to take most of the impact, I laid Ethan down, looking desperately for some ambrosia or nectar. Knowing we were cut off so chances of finding any in time were slim.

Instead I did the next logical thing in my mind, placed my hands over his wounds, urging my magic, whatever I had left, to heal him, squeezing my eyes shut as I remembered what Clovis had done, "Just give me this, if nothing else, just this." I thought as I felt my hands ripple with energy.

I imagined his wounds knitting back together, I imagined shadow overtaking the metal in his body, from a sword that had no right to shatter in that moment, and I imagined him opening his eyes, even if it was to scream in pain, but in my hopelessness, that was all it was, imagination.

I wasn't saving him, I was hurting him, killing him, though I couldn't have known at the time and was only tipped off to that when a sensation I had only felt once before overcame me, a rush of emotion, a rush of memory.

For years it had always been like this, and it was just accepted? Nobody ever thought of it before us? I couldn't live like this anymore, being considered lesser. After thousands of years, we had a chance, a chance to recreate the pantheon.

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