The Intricacies of Knitting Escape Me

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Annabeth's POV

The words rattled around in my head as I tried to process them logically, failing to do so as Hestia finished speaking, Percy was also in shock. "-by the end of his battle, the story of (Y/N) (L/N). Will come to an end."

There were murmurs and gasps among the demigods we brought with us. Silena spoke up, her voice cracking, "His story will end? And what is that supposed to mean?" She demanded, Hestia smiled, "My dear, if you do not know what the end of a story is, perhaps you should read more?" She said sweetly.

The weird thing was, that didn't seem like it was meant to be an insult. Just an observation. It was like she didn't remember what she just said and was trying to ask a question of her own. But I looked past that.

"What are you talking about? That can't be right," I said, as many of the other campers share my sentiments, again, Hestia just smiled, "I'm afraid that is not my place to say, (Y/N) will be the one to decide his fate, none of us have a say in it's outcome."

"Why even tell us then!" Percy said, and I agreed wholeheartedly, the goddess just smiled at us but did not provide anything resembling an answer. When she was pressured a little more, she said something about seeing it in the flames.

I just couldn't read her expression, she didn't seem to be taunting us, or doing anything malicious. I felt like she was giving us answers to a test we hadn't written yet and expecting us to know when to use them.

That was pretty on brand with the gods sadly. Hestia seemed saddened by the fact that (Y/N) hadn't come up with us already. "You cannot tell him, to do so might affect the outcome, and I do dislike when that happens."

She looked into my eyes, and I saw something, a memory maybe. I opened my eyes and I was screaming, tears ran down my face, everything round me was blurry, I hurt all over, I looked down to see my hands covered in glass.

Only they weren't actually my hands. I was a young boy, which trust me, was a very strange feeling. Then, as the kid stood up, holding a knife, I didn't follow his movements, instead watching from my original perspective.

"Mom?...MOM!" The boy yelled, running over to somewhere out of my view, I tried to turn my head, but couldn't. With a gasp, I was brought back to reality, I stared at Hestia in shock. She spoke just to me, in my mind.

"You do not understand the pain he has been through, very little ever will and I hope you will never have to. So ask yourself, after all the child experienced, all he has suffered through, would it not be kinder to let him find peace?" It took me a second to form my answer.

(Y/N)'s POV

I had to run outside to get my breathing under control. I was sweaty and shaking, whenever I thought about going up with the others to Olympus, something was pushing me back, to explain it simply.

It was like that moment before you're about to fall off something and hurt yourself, and your body tells you to catch yourself, or going over the top of a roller coaster. Now I'm a demigod, so whenever I got those sorts of feelings out of the blue, something was up.

As much as I could try to ignore it or act tough and just suck it up and deal with it, with everything going on around me right now, with the war about to begin, this couldn't be a coincidence. It wasn't something I could ignore. I wasn't that stupid.

As I was taking deep breaths through my mouth and exhaling through my nose, plus doing that claw over the heart thing Grover always did, something caught my eye that made me much more aware of just how bad things had gotten.

They were here, watching. Waiting. Across the street I saw the three elderly women, seemingly waiting for the bus, and absentmindedly knitting as they did, as much as I wished these were just normal old ladies, they didn't even try to hide themselves. I felt like they were staring at me.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now