I Go Fishing For Mortals

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(Y/N)'s POV

My feet left the deck of the Princess Andromeda, suddenly I was sweeping through space at a remarkable pace, not stopping for anything. I looked around and saw wisps of smoke, hundreds of them, all following my path. Hundreds of souls all headed to the same location. All while they pulled my soul apart with them.

As you can imagine, having your soul ripped apart is not a pleasant experience, even when you do it intentionally. Actually I take that back, I doubt anyone can imagine how I feel right now, or was it how I felt, or am feeling? I don't know anymore.

All I could see was the dark, it wasn't cold or warm, there was no sound that I could hear, I couldn't smell the sea or see the waves churning as the tide came in. I couldn't even see an inch in front of my face. Everything was just darkness. Only one outcome made sense in this scenario.

I think we were partway through a shadow, the place you are before you reach your destination, see moving between shadows was possible because they all are somewhat interconnected, like a system of tunnels. It was hard to explain the intricacies but that's how I always thought of it.

I was probably the best demigod I knew of when it came to shadow travel, I could extend my limit further then other users because I was more in tune with my soul and could therefore push my body and soul through the 'tunnel' consciously.

That was only possible because I had a set of conditions that I always had to meet before I even attempted it. Conditions that hadn't been met this particular time. What irritated me most was, I almost had it. It was going so well at first.

I could feel the sensation of the wind hitting my face like I was in a wind tunnel, I felt like I was in a formula one car, speeding past the landscape, and I knew I was going to reach my destination, but then it all just ground to a halt. Slowing down to a dead stop.

I couldn't move, I felt the pressure of magic weighing on me, surrounding my entire body, keeping me from even blinking my eyes. I realised that we had stopped halfway, unable to reach our destination and stuck in the space between two shadows.

I felt like I was floating in a void, seconds or minutes passed I couldn't even tell which. But I knew that the more time passed, the further away I felt from where I intended to be, the further away from everything I was. I could feel myself splitting apart.

Neither body nor soul were meant to remain in this position for long, an extended stay in this space could make it so my body and soul would both be scattered everywhere in between the start and the end of the line. I could feel it happening already.

I had linked my soul to hundreds of other things, using an ancient power, but as most demigods know, ancient power is hard to keep in check, and even harder to control. It fought to escape me, to be free and spread chaos. It linked us all for now but the link wouldn't last forever. It was the only thing keeping me stable.

I felt like I was tied to the floor and a rope was dragging me in every other direction, it was tug of war with each part of me, each link threatening to tear me apart. I couldn't hold myself together for long, each piece of my soul was slowly becoming less and less a part of me, they were fading into the shadows around me.

It didn't feel like I expected, I thought it would hurt, I was bracing myself for pain, but I didn't feel any, physical pain at least, nothing hurt or ached or felt like it was being torn off...or apart. The feeling was more emotional pain. Like I was losing something.

It was like that feeling of having someone you really love or look up to, like Chiron or someone saying they were 'disappointed with you' but scaled up an immeasurable amount. Like you'd just seen a terrible report card and your heart sinks because you had been studying really hard.

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