I Get Propositioned By a God

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(Y/N)'s POV

I continued trying to think of a plan late into the night, I ended up falling asleep for a while, no dreams today, I guess Uncle Hypnos was feeling generous, but as I woke up I was me with something strange.

I was distracted with the scent of sea breeze on my nose. I looked up, expecting Percy asking for my help with something, but that wasn't what I saw. I fell out of the bed as I realised. Poseidon was standing in the door of the cabin, smiling at me.

He laughed as I groaned tiredly, standing up, "Have they finally settled on something?" I asked, ignoring the nerves that were building up in my chest.

"No, not yet, though the general consensus is either a walk-through Tartarus, a sip of hemlock or another dip in the Phlegethon." I frowned, "Was that my dad's idea?" "No, it was mine." He corrected, and you know, I had to respect his honestly.

As it tended to do when I got passionate about something my mouth left me behind and I started demanding that I be taken to Olympus. He held up a hand and explained. "I am not here on Olympus business; I am here to talk."

I almost wanted to say that we could talk once my punishment had been decided and send him back to Olympus until then, but it's not every day a god comes to visit you in person. Especially one of the big three.

"Well why are you here then, if you're looking for Percy or Tyson, they'll be in the cabin that smells like sea salt." He smiled, "No, I am afraid both my sons are currently having restless nights. That is why I'm here."

"I'm not tucking Tyson or Percy into bed." I sighed, he smiled sadly, as if he wished he could in my place, then said "I am here to speak to you and thank you for what you did for Tyson." I had to ask, "Speaking of, why did you send Tyson to camp now?"

Maybe I was venting a little, but I had to say this. I know Tyson wouldn't say anything bad about his father, so I did it for him. "So, what, you leave him in a box all his life and now he's useful you send him to camp to be bullied and maybe killed, and then expect people to be happy about it."

"I did not abandon Tyson, as much as I have failed him, he was not left alone, it was my attempt at helping him. I thought it was time for him to grow up, to experience life as any person should, I wanted more for him."

"I knew he would make friends that would accept him here, as Percy had. People to stand up for him when no others would." He smiled at me thankfully, "He may not have understood the significance of what you've done for him, but I did. And for it I am grateful."

I just shrugged, "Well, I mainly did it to shut up Tantalus, so if you want to do me a favour, you can get rid of him in return. Or even better, stop being ridiculous and return Chiron to camp" Poseidon shook his head.

"Yes, I must admit that was a failure on my brothers' part, but with the tree being threatened, and the memory of his daughter tarnished, I'm afraid he has as they say, 'lost his head' as of late." I waited for it, but it didn't come.

No signature boom of thunder that usually came to the people who disrespected Zeus as a reminder of the power he held was nowhere overhead, "Yes, I can see that." I said, commenting on the lack of theatrics.

"Wow, he must really be out of it today." I guessed, Poseidon corrected me, "I am currently concealing my presence from him, he must not know of this meeting until the right time." He looked at his wrist, at a nautical watch, "We must hurry."

I liked getting to the point, so I said, "Ok, so why is it that you are actually here? Come to finish me off before big bro tells me to off Tyson? Because I'm warning you, I'm not going down without at least taking an arm."

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