We Block A Doorway

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Percy's POV

What was taking Annabeth so long? I was pretty sure it hadn't taken me this long to get my quest. "Percy," a girl whispered. Juniper was standing in the bushes. It was weird how she almost turned invisible when she was surrounded by plants.

She gestured me over urgently. "You need to know: Luke wasn't the only one I saw around that cave." "What do you mean?" She glanced back at the arena. "I was trying to say something, but he was right there."

"Who?" "The sword master," she said. "He was poking around the rocks." My stomach clenched. "Quintus? When?" "I don't know. I don't pay attention to time. Maybe a week ago, when he first showed up."

"What was he doing? Did he go in?" "I—I'm not sure. He's creepy, Percy. I didn't even see him come into the glade. Suddenly he was just there. You have to tell Grover it's too dangerous —" "Juniper?" Grover called from inside the arena.

"Where'd you go?" Juniper sighed. "I'd better go in. Just remember what I said. Don't trust that man!" She ran into the arena. I stared at the Big House, feeling more uneasy than ever. As I walked back, I noticed something else following me.

My eyes darted to a rustling in the bushes, only to be hit on the back of the head as I reached for Riptide. "Ow!" I said as I heard laughter, "Do not be so quick to draw your blade Percy, I wish you no harm, we promised to converse did we not?" Said Zoe.

"To think you would see me slain by my own blade. Ha!" She scoffed as I turned to her, rubbing the aching lump on my head, "How are you so strong?" I asked, she pointed to her circlet. "A gift from my lady and my sisters."

"I now possess the strength I need to match him if we ever were to cross paths." She threw two quick jabs, "With this circlet, I rival the strength of Hippolyta" She boasted, I was confused, "But didn't Hippolyta and Herac-"

She waved it off, "Besides the point my friend. How have you been on your travels? Annabeth tells me you fought a goat woman-" She put her arm around me and practically dragged me back to the arena. Once we got there, she bid me farewell and rushed over to Silena.

"What did she want?" (Y/N) asked me, smirking as we watched the two girls talk, "I have no idea." I said as Annabeth made her return, coming down from the big house and looking gravely ill.

(Y/N)'s POV

"My dear," Chiron said. "You made it." Annabeth walked into the arena. She sat on a stone bench and stared at the floor. "Well?" Quintus asked. Annabeth looked at me first. I couldn't tell if she was trying to warn me, or if the look in her eyes was just plain fear.

Then she focused on Quintus. "I got the prophecy. I will lead the quest to find Daedalus's workshop." Nobody cheered. I mean, we all liked Annabeth, and we wanted her to have a quest, but this one seemed insanely dangerous.

After what I'd seen of Chris Rodriguez, I didn't even want to think about Annabeth descending into that weird maze again. Chiron scraped a hoof on the dirt floor. "What did the prophecy say exactly, my dear? The wording is important." Annabeth took a deep breath.

"I, ah . . . well, it said, You shall delve in the darkness of the endless maze . . ." We waited. "The dead, the traitor, and the lost one raise." Grover perked up. "The lost one! That must mean Pan! That's great!"

"With the dead and the traitor," I added. "Well I haven't been hiding him from you Grover, so that must mean Luke right?" Chiron answered, "Perhaps. But many of those who are considered traitors have delved into the Labyrinth." He looked at Annabeth, "What else?"

"You shall rise or fall by the ghost king's hand," Annabeth said, "the child of Athena's final stand." Everyone looked around uncomfortably. Annabeth was a daughter of Athena, and a final stand didn't sound good.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now