The Bibbity Bobbity Beat Down

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(Y/N)'s POV

The air was crisp, and I was grinning like a madman, this was going to be easy. I was certain that to get to my friends all I had to do was defeat a couple of Hecate's children, and since I had once, or twice now I guess, outsmarted their mother, this was going to be a cakewalk.

Oh, how wrong I was, a sweet naïve, handsome and charming demigod, who was way out of his depth. Not that I was ever in my depth, but this was a whole new threat to me, one I was woefully unprepared for.

Despite all my new meditation methods and my counters to Hypnos and Eris's magics, I wasn't ready to contend with actual magic users, not just gods that threw around power, but people who put the effort in.

Just to start with, it was hard to tell how many there were in total, faces I had never seen were mixed in with their numbers, I didn't know how, but it seemed they had reinforcements, but these weren't demigods, they were something else.

And not monsters either, looking at them, it was hard for me to find any life within them at all, it was like they weren't alive. So, taking that away from the total, I guessed there were only five or so actual sons and daughters of Hecate here, including Alabaster and Lou Ellen, who I was the most cautious of.

Alabaster was a chump that overestimated himself, I had never liked him, and it was doubtful I ever would, Lou Ellen on the other hand was a former friend, and I knew how powerful she was, I would have to stop those two first.

I tried to convince myself it would be easy by reminding myself that I just had to keep them from talking, even if I had to break their jaws to do so, then without magic, most of them were pushovers. Even without my weapons, I could take them.

I trained my eyes on Lou Ellen as the swarm of lifeless things rushed out to attack me, they didn't have weapons, and kept saying odd phrases, like "Would you like some tea?" Or "How's the weather this morning?" As they attempted to restrain me.

Normally 'd let them, it was actually a fault that almost got me hurt at first, because as the first wrapped me in a bear hug and squeezed for all it was worth, which was a lot and nearly popped a vertebra, I kind of waited for him to suffer for it, only for my powers to never work.

I was so used to having my power that fighting without it was strange to me, and that was one of my bad habits. I ended up having to headbutt the butler in the nose and wriggle out to escape, then I ran at the Hecate kids.

I figured if I took them out nothing else mattered, I tried to use shadow to my advantage and both slip into one and attack with another, to pick off the weaker one's fist, but they, obviously, were way more prepared for that then I would have been.

As my shadow lashed out and I fell backwards, expecting to fall though another, cool as ice, Alabaster said "Incantare: Aufero Sarcina!" Whatever the hades that meant, and some weird green shards of light flew from his shirt and my offensive shadow disappeared, as well as the one behind me.

Meaning I was caught off guard and fell to the ground with a 'Thump' Knocking the wind out of myself, I rolled backwards to narrowly avoid being stomped on by a fake person. I clocked him in the jaw, and he staggered backward.

"Would you like some tea?" He asked as I punched him once more, then he sort of glitched, and fell apart, a beam of light made him disappear, as if he were caught in a ghost trap, and I traced the source to a set of cards one of the mages was holding.

I snarled, "Mistform cards. That's cheap." But now I didn't feel bad about offing them, so I went full force against the ten or so fake people, "Man, why do I always get jumped. Can't I just have a one vs one against a camper for once?" I thought as I choked out the last fake.

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