The Lies Finally Catch Up

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(Y/N)'s POV

There were a few seconds of silence after my question, they were almost cold, shivers ran down my back and Silena finally responded. "What are you talking about? What barrier?" I sighed, playing dumb was one of Aphrodite's specialties, the same applies for her children.

That's the most painful thing about this. The feeling was so familiar, almost like I had Déjà vu, this same cold feeling washing over me in Olympus as my heart beat so fast it might burst, I could hear the thumping in my ears. This was the feeling I had when Luke turned.

I didn't say anything in response, more like I couldn't. Instead, I just waited, waited for this to make sense, for her to tell me about Annabeth coming up with a plan to avoid the magic, or her mother helping her. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.

There had to be something, some way she had done this that I was too dense to see, some excuse that made this all right again, what I feared most couldn't be true, not Silena. She was one of the only people I had left to trust.

She was the only aspect of my family I had left that I could still trust and rely on, if that was gone. I honestly wasn't sure what I would do. Silena was my first friend at camp that accepted me, she was the first link I had to having a family, having friends.

Without her introducing me to Beckendorf, without her taking me into her cabin and treating me like family, even when things went wrong, I wouldn't be the person I was today, she had such an impact on my life, I couldn't accept that this was the truth.

I looked at her, urging her to say something, to give me a reason, an excuse, but she just kept her eyes dead ahead, focused on the road. Avoiding even looking at me, tears pricked her eyes as she drove, she understood that I knew.

I hated being me sometimes, I was like my father, I saw in her eyes things that no other person would see, my father could measure the quality of a soul at one glance, and at times, so could I that was what I found the most heart-breaking.

Silena's soul was good, pure and strong, but she was conflicted. She was suffering, not just because of the loss of Beckendorf, but because she had been carrying on this lie for years. It was too much for her to handle.

And that just broke my heart even more. "Please..." I said in barely a whisper, the tears now falling down my face like fiery hot streaks of pain, "Please just tell me I'm wrong..." I begged, "Not you..." I could barely talk from choking back tears.

As her breath caught in her throat and she too choked back tears, she fought through it, turning to me for the first time, I saw the mascara running down her face as she said "(Y/N), listen to me, we're in a war, you're stressed out. Morpheus played with your head-"

She was trying to charm speak me. But there wasn't the usual hint of smugness in this voice, she wasn't persuading me this time, she was telling me to forget, she was desperate. I thought about all the memories I had lost to people toying with my head.

I remembered the first time someone made me forget a treasured memory, and I remembered the feeling slipping away from me. I wished that were true, I wished that this wasn't reality, that I'd have another false awakening.

But that wasn't going to happen, this was real. Painful beyond belief, but real. In a moment of anger and shock I did something rash, without thinking, I grabbed the steering wheel and pulled it towards me.

"NO!" She screamed, still with her foot on the accelerator, she slammed on the brakes, but it was too late, our car went spinning down a crowded street, narrowly avoiding the mortals and span out onto a sidewalk.

As the car cried into the front of a coffee shop, I quickly recovered. Not wanting to be caught of guard with her in the car. I quickly slashed the airbag in front of me and disarmed her as she rubbed her head, throwing her knife into the backseat.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora