The Parsley Goes Bad

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(Y/N)'s POV

After I had danced in the rain and thanked the nymphs for both their help and sacrifice, promising to make it up to them somehow, I was so tired my mind moved on autopilot, my wings fluttering down to the outpost where I was certain a bed and a hot meal was waiting for me.

Though I barely made it that far and was nearly knocked out of the sky by a few of the huntresses arrows, I forgave them, mostly because I was too tired to care, but also because everyone was a little jumpy right now, and they had fought hard.

I landed next to where Annabeth was still resting, stroking her hair lovingly as I passed, then I stumbled into the building a few people tried talking to me, a few Apollo campers said that I needed medical attention, I shrugged them off.

Zoe came up to me, eager to tell me something, though I was in no position to listen, and once I found an unoccupied couch that some of the Apollo campers had pulled up to use as a medical stretcher, I fell into it face first.

I know right now wasn't the best time to sleep, with both Hypnos and Morpheus out for my neck, but as soon as I closed my eyes, I couldn't stop the dreams from coming, and I felt safe, I didn't know why, but I felt like something was protecting me.

I expected to see the fates again, but what I found was that figure from my last dream, holding a sword, the one that my mother had brought with her and the person who had attacked Morpheus for me.

I still couldn't make out any facial features, save for a smirk, then before I took a step towards them, the figure sank into the floor like they were made of smoke, mist was trailing out from where the form just was, and I was met with a vision of what I hoped wasn't the future.

It started with a sound, like cracking stone and an explosion all at once, I was in the throne room of Olympus, it was cracked and broken, I turned to see the gates that kept it separated from the outside world being torn apart.

At first I thought it was wind, or fire, or something else like a natural disaster, but then I saw it was two giant hands, wrenching the doors open, each finger as big as one of the pillars that once held up Olympus.

Once the gates fractured, a being stormed into the room, twisting and shifting like it was an extra from the grudge, it's whole body took up the majority of the room, and now I had seen it's true form, I knew what it was, Typhon had come to destroy Olympus, the gods couldn't stop him.

Even worse was the voice that praised him from Zeus's throne, "Well done." Said the booming voice of Nyx. I turned to it, and saw something I never imagined I would live to see, all the thrones of Olympus were cracked, save for one, the one that Nyx herself occupied.

She was talking to Typhon like he was a pet, and beside her stood Ate, or at least what I assumed was her, she was another figure I couldn't make out the features of. Nyx looked excited about the giant's arrival.

I knew as I watched her smile at the monster almost lovingly and the monster reach out to her that this was a future I could never let come to pass, Olympus had been attacked by two overwhelming forces at once, they couldn't survive, but it wasn't the reason I denied this reality.

It was because of the next sentence out of her mouth. "Yes, you have laid waste to the sanctuary of the demigods, you have denied the next generation of 'heroes' their chance to rise up, you have done well..."

My heart sank, they had attacked camp half blood together, despite her promise never to harm them, Nyx had used Typhon instead as an instrument of her destruction, promising it something in return.

The monster roared, the sound was deafening, and shook the halls, Nyx looked unimpressed and didn't even move, not even acknowledging when Ate did behind her throne to escape the beast. She silenced the monster with a glare.

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