The Titan Lord Gets Jumped

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(Y/N)'s POV

I didn't take the elevator this time. Before anyone could stop me or talk me out of it, I was flying over Olympus and diving towards the streets. Every inch I made it closer to the enemy forces, I felt like I was flying a mile, it was like the closer I was the further away I felt. I landed in the middle of his army, beside him.

When I landed I saw Kronos grinning at me, it would have been one of Luke's charming smiles, if the person behind it wasn't so creepy. At his feet I saw piles of dust blowing in the wind, I wasn't sure which side they belonged to, but he stepped over them.

I looked around for backup, but didn't find any, so I just went for it, rushing at Kronos, he barely even raised his scythe and managed to block the first blow from Gleam, sneering at me as we crossed blades.

I attempted to distract him with a feint and slashed quickly at his gut with Glimmer, but by simply twisting his body, he managed to avoid it, he could see all of my attacks like they were in slow motion, "Pathetic!" He snarled, slashing at me with the scythe.

It barely nicked me, and I do mean barely, a drop of blood the size of a pinhead fell from my finger, where he had struck out at me as I dodged backwards, but the pain was immense. I felt like my body was jelly and concrete at the same time.

My arm went entirely numb, and as weird as it is to imagine, my soul hurt. I had always been very in tune with my soul, naturally as a son of Thanatos, and right now mine was telling me I was a jerk for letting it get hit like that.

I stopped my legs from shaking as he stepped forward a bit, glaring down at me, but something was off, I could tell from just a glance, I could feel something in him, I looked into his eyes and saw a hint of doubt.

I thought back to our last major fight, on the top of half blood hill, I tried to center myself as I had back then, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, but before they were even half lidded I saw the glint of Kronos's blade.

I had to jump backwards to avoid the blade slipping through my throat like a knife through hot butter, a shiver ran down my spine as I remembered the dream I had where I felt my own head separate from my body.

As that chill overtook my senses, I caught a glimpse of Luke's soul, or I guess it was more Kronos's now. Seeing how much it had changed since Luke left the camp. It was still strong, it still burned bright.

Same as all that time ago, his soul was burning up just maintaining it all, it was honestly amazing he was still standing. Especially now, what was once a burning a mix between gold, black and red was now almost entirely one colour.

The golden smoke that resided in Luke's body was swirling in his chest, but I also saw the little bit of humanity in Luke's chest, fighting to stay whole in the tempest that was Kronos. He was still in there.

But the smoke that made up his soul was slowly dwindling by the second, if this kept up, he wouldn't survive the night. Knowing how close Luke was the edge spurred me on, I couldn't fail at this, I had to help him, for everything for me, even if it was all lies, I owed him that.

"Luke, you're dying. You're going to die. You need to fight him, you need to-" Kronos let out a bone chilling cackle, "Fight me? Fight me with what godling? The boy is soon to be nothing but a wisp on a wind. And Olympus will be nothing but rubble."

"We are unbeatable. No prophecy, no myth can-" I smirked, throwing words from a long time ago back in his face, hoping to get a rise out of Luke, "And when did it become 'we'?" I asked. He roared in anger and the whole state shook.

He swung his Scythe at me with such ferocity the air and ground around it seemed to bend, it was faster then I could comprehend, so by the end of it, I just trusting my instincts, not even needing to think, it was a scythe. If anyone could dodge a scythe without thinking, it was me.

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