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(Y/N)'s POV

Our conversation was ended early by a series of aftershocks that shook the whole underworld, the floor shook, some of the ceiling began to fall, even the souls of the damned seemed worried, waddling away from the source as fast as they could shamble.

As the world seemed to fall in around us, I saw that Bianca looked terrified, and I didn't blame her. Every step towards the pit set me on edge, I could hear something emanating from it, but it was such a low tone I had trouble making it out.

Once I did make out the words being spoken, even as a spirit I felt sick, my blood running cold as I thought back to all those years ago, when I stared into that pit and it stared back, because eerily similar words poured out of it, but stronger.

The commanding voice that still cropped up in my dreams from time to time, the old powerful voice that predated any Olympian, but this time it wasn't "Fall child. Fall so that I may rise!" it said, "The world shall fall before me. I will rise! I will conquer!"

I remembered the feeling I had all those years ago, back then I wanted to give up, I wanted to throw myself in the pit just from hearing his voice, but I felt different now, I was angry, I knew who the voice belonged to, and I knew I had to stop him.

To my amazement, Bianca seemed to be unaffected by the titan's words, unlike I was when I first heard it, and I knew it wasn't just because she was in the underworld, or a spirit, it was because she was a fighter, she had too much willpower to ever be swayed by the words of Kronos.

"Bianca, has anyone ever told you how amazing you are?" I asked, she blushed and pulled down her hood, but then a gust of wind swept through the underworld, she looked at me with determination written all over her face, she grabbed me by the arm again and said, "Come on."

Percy's POV

I sneaked invisibly down the dark stone tunnel. Before I even got to the exit I heard voices: the growling, barking sounds of sea-demon smiths, the telekhines. "At least we salvaged the blade," one said. "The master will still reward us."

"Yes! Yes!" a second shrieked. "Rewards beyond measure!" Another voice, this one more human, said: "Um, yeah, well that's great. Now, if you're done with me—"

"No, half-blood!" a telekhine said. "You must help us make the presentation. It is a great honor!" "Gee, thanks," the half-blood said, and I realized it was Ethan Nakamura. I crept toward the end of the tunnel. I had to remind myself I was invisible.

They shouldn't be able to see me. A blast of cold air hit me as I emerged. I was standing near the top of Mount Tam. The Pacific Ocean spread out below, gray under a cloudy sky. About twenty feet downhill, two telekhines were placing something on a big rock— something long and thin and wrapped in black cloth.

Ethan was helping them open it. "Careful, fool," the telekhine scolded. "One touch, and the blade will sever your soul from your body." Ethan swallowed nervously. "Maybe I'll let you unwrap it, then."

I glanced up at the mountain's peak, where a black marble fortress loomed, just like I'd seen in my dreams. It reminded me of an oversized mausoleum, with walls fifty feet high. I had no idea how mortals could miss the fact that it was here.

But then again, everything below the summit seemed fuzzy to me, as if there were a thick veil between me and the lower half of the mountain. There was magic going on here—really powerful Mist.

Above me, the sky swirled into a huge funnel cloud. I couldn't see Atlas, but I could hear him groaning in the distance, still laboring under the weight of the sky, just beyond the fortress. "There!" the telekhine said.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now