I Get the Soul Slapped Out of Me

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(Y/N)'s POV

Before she returned to life, and I could drag her soul back to the land of the living, there was a moment of hesitation within my mind, from hearing Bianca's voice call out to Zoe, and it almost cost us both everything. 

The reminder of Bianca's voice had made me start thinking about how I had failed her, and I felt guilty that I was unable to do this for her, I wanted to, so that she could see her brother again, and live as she should have been able to.

I was willing to give up everything for a second, and sacrifice the power in me as well as my own body in order to do so, and return the daughter of Hades to life, no matter what the cost, despite knowing it wouldn't work out like that. Luckily, Zoe set me straight.

"You have a martyr complex (Y/N). Always so willing to throw your life away for others, but don't you realise, your life is precious too. It is something we fought for, something both me and Bianca were willing to die for."

"You did not let Bianca die, and you did not fail her, this is also true with me, we chose this. To protect those we love, and to die for them. If you ever feel as if you have disgraced us, you disgrace us by having that very thought."

But still I argued, willing to give up everything for them both, unable to concede my failure was irreparable "It's not fair, the prophecy foretold it, it was meant to happen. The gods could have stopped it-"

Zoe silenced me and said "-The gods did not make my decision for me, nor Bianca's for her. You should know by now that foretelling something and preventing them are two different tasks. Now let us return, so that her sacrifice, her bravery, was not in vain."

With those words of wisdom, I was forced to turn by back on Bianca, and instead focus on the struggles to come, I was reminded of the goddess of magic, and her warning to me about bringing back the dead.

"I warn you, it comes at a cost" She had said, and I told her that I was willing to pay it, that was true, the only factor that I had failed to account for was the idea that maybe Zoe wasn't as willing to pay the price as I was.

Annabeth's POV

I wiped my face of tears and new ones fell almost instantly to follow after them, but these were made from an entirely different reason, not just tiredness from holding up the sky, but relief, and happiness in the moment.

My dad's hands squeezed my shoulders as a comfort as I cried and tried to choke back my sobs, I looked up at him to see him smiling broadly at me, his eyes getting misty as well as mine, and his grip getting the slightest bit tighter.

The wind was howling around us, the night getting darker moment by moment, but even in the dim light we saw Zoe open her eyes and breath find it's way to her. It was strange to see her like this, it was Zoe, but without some of the things that I attributed to her.

The braid she normally sported was gone and her hair fell past her shoulders, her clothes were different, a long black gown covered her form, and the biggest difference I could find was that she no longer looked as ethereal as before.

The silver glow that covered her body the last time I had seen her was faint now and flickered just as Artemis's had upon losing her huntress. But once her eyes were open, I knew it was her, she had the same brown eyes, filled with confidence, even now.

She shot up; the instincts of a hunter still clear in this moment. She reached for a bow that never came to her side, when that happened, she seemed to panic, her eyes darting around looking for a threat, (Y/N) approached her slowly, holding out his hand as if he were talking to a wild animal.

"Calm down, calm down... Nobody here is going to hurt you" He said softly in Ancient Greek, "I know it's not what you're used to, just try and breathe for now. Can you tell me your name?" "Zoe" The girl replied in English.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon